'Stop sending me dirty pics of your helmet' HILARIOUS Star Wars Bad Lip Reading videos

EIGHT MILLION people have already watched STAR WARS get very silly in the brilliant 'Bad Lip Reading' videos featuring famous names like Jack Black dubbing the classic scenes from the Star Wars films.

By Stefan Kyriazis, Arts Editor

Darth Vader and LeiaLUCASFILM

Darth Vader and Leia like you've never heard them before..

We already love Star Wars but imagine if you could re-write the scripts. No, not the awful clunky ones from George Lucas' second trilogy, but the classic scripts from original three films.

Millions of fans have gone crazy over these hilarious new videos which do just that in outrageous style.

The ridiculously brilliant Bad Lip Reading site on Youtube has posted new videos which cleverly reinterpret the iconic films. The dubbed voices perfectly match the way the lips of the famous characters are moving but say the most shocking things.

Are you ready for a sleazy Darth Vader voiced by Jack Black, a particularly dim Hillbilly Luke and a rather dodgy Indian-sounding C-3PO?


Chewbacca speaksLUCASFILM

Chewbacca speaks!

This is just a sample from the opening scene of the first in the series, which rightly starts with Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

"Hey, hey, hey there she is," swaggers Darth Vader when he catches sight of Leia. "Ready to hit the cantina?"

"No, and I really hate you texting me all those helmet pics," snaps back the prim princess.

"Oh, give me your email and I'll send you some of the high-res versions," Darth replies, undeterred.

"Dude, I don't want your dirty email," Leia moans.

"No, no, you'll like these. They're real arty," promises the incorrigible man in black.


The Empire Strikes Back spoof opens with a 1980's synth soundtrack and Luke rapping for the rebels in his fighter cockpit.

A dramatic moment sees his co-pilot blasted away but all he cares about is what happend to his backing track.

And then we switch to some seedy sax music for an erotic scene between our two resident love birds.

"I'm not German," breathes Leia.

"And I'm not a Mexican potato-head," smoulders Han Solo.

Steamy stuff...


Han Solo and Leia kissLUCASFILM

Being totally frozen is no excuse for bad breath, Han...

Leia and Han Solo are still at it in the final Return of the Jedi video.

It's that famous heart-breaking scene when the poor space cowboy has been revived after being totally frozen by Jabba the Hut and he just can't let it go.

It's all very emotional as Leia leans in and whispers, "Steal my gravy?"

After a noisy and passionate snogs, she recoils and romantically adds, "I think you could use a mint."

Of course it all builds to the spectacular climax showdown between Luke, his daddy and that evil old guy in a cloak who REALLY needs some Botox.

Luke and the Emperor swap girlfriend tips before Darth Vader throws the "cranky" Galactic overlord over the balcony.

Genius stuff.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is out now in cinemas.

to watch our round up of the funniest Star Wars videos or HERE to watch more videos from the Bad Lip Reading site.

NEXT: Watch our much more serious live video review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Star Wars - The Force Awakens Express Review

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