Leo McKinstry

Leo McKinstry is a British author and journalist, noted for his extensive coverage of British and Irish history and best-selling sporting biographies. Since 2005 he has been a columnist for the Daily Express.

Cameron showing no will to reassert our sovereignty, blasts LEO MCKINSTRY

AS THE European Union sinks ever deeper into crisis the case for Britain's exit becomes irrefutable.

David Cameron accepts subjugation by EUAFP - GETTY

David Cameron accepts subjugation by EU

Our once independent nation is now shackled to an utterly dysfunctional, sclerotic institution that is undermining our economy, trashing our democracy, obliterating our borders and tearing apart the very fabric of our society.

But our unpatriotic political class refuses to accept this reality. Even now, in the face of immigration meltdown and debt-riddled stagnation, our rulers still pretend that Britain can have a viable future inside the EU.

That is the deceitful spirit that lies behind David Cameron's strategy for renegotiating our relationship with Europe in advance of the referendum, which must be held by the end of 2017. His whole approach reeks of defensiveness and timidity. It is not so much a challenge to the federal superstate as an acceptance of subjugation.

His programme for reform is pathetic

Indeed, Cameron never wanted any renegotiation or referendum. He was forced into agreeing to them only because Nigel Farage's Ukip and this newspaper struck such a chord with the public.

But, as he has shown this week, the Prime Minister has no real determination to reassert our national integrity.

His programme for reform is pathetically unambitious. It represents not a fundamental rethink but just minor tinkering. At the launch of renegotiations in a speech at Chatham House yesterday he claimed Britain's problems with the EU were "eminently resolvable". But that is only because his demands are so limited.

UNDER Cameron Britain is like an abused partner who, instead of walking out of a destructive relationship, just nervously asks: "Can we talk about this?"

David Cameron sent a feeble letter to Donald TuskGETTY

David Cameron sent a feeble letter to President of the European Council, Donald Tusk

His unconvincing speech was backed up by the dispatch yesterday of a feeble letter to Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, setting out his Government's four areas for renegotiation. Devoid of any substance, this wish-list is hardly an agenda for change.

So he says that the EU must become "more competitive", a statement of the blindingly obvious given that youth unemployment in parts of the eurozone now stands at 50 per cent while the Far East surges ahead. Yet Cameron gives no real indication of how this economic transformation is to be achieved.

Similarly he wants safeguards for sterling as Britain's currency but that is just a piece of pedantry, little more than a description of the current position. He also calls for Britain to be given an exemption from the EU's drive towards federation through "ever closer union".

Again this amounts to nothing more than a meaningless rhetorical trick designed to hide the continuing destruction of our sovereignty. Even if the EU accepted such a form of words, the impact would be negligible since most of our laws, Parliament, judiciary and executive would still be controlled by Brussels.

In his speech yesterday Cameron spoke of "a lack of democratic accountability" within the EU but his flawed negotiating strategy will do nothing to alter that. Tellingly, he is asking for no powers to be brought back to Britain, no return to self-governance.

Ukip leader Nigel Farage forced Cameron to hold EU negotiationsGETTY

Ukip leader Nigel Farage forced Cameron to hold EU renegotiations

Just as irrelevant was his call for EU migrants to be barred from claiming welfare benefits in their first four years of residence here. The figures he produced to back up this demand were shocking. No less than 43 per cent of all European newcomers are supported by the British state, comprehensively demolishing the myth so eagerly peddled by the metropolitan chatterers that most migrants are net contributors to Britain's public finances.

But Cameron's proposal will do little to address this outrage for it is unlikely that the EU or the British courts, fixated by the concept of treating all European citizens equally, will ever agree to this. Nor will the welfare restrictions lessen the impact of the current gigantic migrant influx. Under the EU's free movement rules, the armies of so-called "refugees" flooding in from the Mediterranean will soon have the right to reside in Britain. Yet Cameron said nothing about restoring border controls.

THE absurdity of the Prime Minister's stance is that he could easily achieve everything on his list - and far more - if only he would advocate our withdrawal from the EU. Through Britain's exit there would be no need for tortured negotiations or ignominious compromises.

We would be free to make our own decisions, no longer worrying about what the Poles feel about our welfare system or the French about the City. But the very fact that Cameron has to plead, beg and appease other EU leaders just illustrates how badly our nationhood has been eroded by Brussels.

David Cameron's EU renegotiations were merely a sideshowGETTY

David Cameron's EU renegotiations were merely a sideshow

Still clinging to his belief in Britain's membership, the Prime Minister seems almost wilfully blind to the catastrophe that the EU has created. Yesterday he talked grandly of the EU's role in protecting our security, a grotesque inversion of the truth since it is the EU's twin obsessions with multiculturalism and mass immigration that has led to the growth of sectarianism, terrorism and extremism in our midst.

In the same delusional vein, he talked of Britain's "national interest" as part of a "reformed Europe", ignoring the fact that the federalist maniacs of Brussels loathe the very concept of national identity.

That is why Cameron's negotiations are an embarrassing sideshow. The whole exercise is a sham. Britain's sole hope lies in exit, not in further humiliation. Only by regaining our freedom can we escape the new dark age into which Brussels is dragging the rest of Europe.

Top 10 Facts About The EU

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