Keira Knightley's debut Broadway performance almost RUINED by disruptive audience member

KEIRA KNIGHTLEY's Broadway debut was interrupted last night when she was heckled by an audience member during her opening night performance.

Keira Knightley heckled during Broadway showSPLASH

Keira Knightley's debut Broadway performance was disrupted

Keira took to the stage for the production of Therese Raquin at Studio 54 in New York.

However, approximately five minutes into the performance, a member of the audience allegedly stood up and made his way to the stage, shouting in Keira's direction.

When the actress - who has a daughter called Edie with husband James Righton - paused at one point, the man is said to have shouted: "Five seconds is too long to wait for a response!"

The audience member in question then reportedly threw a bouquet of followers at the stage before he was thrown out by security.

Keira Knightley performs on BroadwaySPLASH

Keira performed in Therese Raquin

Keira Knightley in Therese Raquin Broadway showSPLASH

Actress carried on through the performance like a trooper

A fellow attendee told E! News: "As soon as the play started, there was a guy who started yelling, 'This was all looney tunes!' I turned and noticed that there was a guy hanging off the mezzanine yelling stuff to the stage.

"'Keira, none of this is real! This is all an act! Christ was born of a virgin!'" he allegedly continued. "He kept yelling before ending with a perfunctory, 'Will you marry me?'"

"At this point a security guard walks over and taps him on the soldier, and [the man] starts yelling 'Five seconds! You have five seconds! All it takes is five seconds!'"

Keira Knightley with husband James RightonGC

Keira out in NYC with her husband James Righton

Keira Knightley with husband and daughter EdieSPLASH

Couple take daughter Edie out for a stroll

The lead actor of the show, Gabriel Ebert, was onstage with Keira at the time and kicked the bouquet off the stage, gathering applause from the audience.

The theatre have since spoken out about the incident, but failed to issue an official comment.

They explained: "Roundabout Theatre Company takes the safety of their actors and audiences very seriously and extra security will be added beginning tonight.

"For obvious reasons, we cannot comment on the exact nature of the additional security measures."

Keira Knightley - Ellen

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