Gavin Plumb's 'kit' purchased for alleged Holly Willoughby plot shown in court

Gavin Plumb has been remanded in custody since October over an alleged plot to kidnap and murder Holly Willoughby.

By Fran Winston, Showbiz Reporter

Mid shot of a man looking at the camera

Gavin Plumb is currently on trial at Chelmsford Crown Court (Image: Gavin Plumb)

WARNING: This article contains disturbing details and images.

Gavin Plumb's alleged "kit" has been shown to jurors as part of his trial at Chelmsford Crown Court. The security officer is accused of plotting to kidnap, rape and murder Holly Willoughby.

Plumb, 37, of Harlow, Essex, is accused of planning to assemble a "kidnap and restraint kit" and encouraging a third party to travel to the UK to carry out the alleged offences. He is alleged to have conspired online with another man, who was to travel to the UK from the US, and created a "detailed plan" to carry out the offences. Plumb denied all charges at an earlier hearing at Chelmsford Crown Court.

Items he purchased for his kit were displayed in the court. It included restraints, a blindfold, handcuffs, cable ties and a cat o'nine tails.

This latest evidence came as a WhatsApp message allegedly from Plumb was read to the court on Tuesday (June 25) which said he didn't care "about the risks or consequences" of his actions. The message, which was read out by the prosecutor said: "Just the thought of finally getting her (Ms Willoughby) is turning me on I'm actually looking forward to doing it. I'm at the point where idc (I don't care) about the risks or consequences."

A selection of items from Gavin Plumb's kit displayed in court

Gavin Plumbs alleged 'kit' was displayed in court (Image: Crown Prosecution Service/PA Wire)

The court heard on Tuesday that Plumb had searched on Google for "how to meet people who plan to kidnap celebrities". The online searches and messages were read out in which he allegedly said he would make Ms Willoughby give "full permission" for him and another man to "do as we please to her".

Chelmsford Crown Court heard Plumb had conversed with another man, who went by the name of Marc, on WhatsApp telling him he would track the star's movements for a "simple place to strike but a home invasion is a better idea". The jury also heard the defendant claimed had booked 10 days off work to "get longer to stake (Ms Willoughby) out".

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC went through a document of communications before jurors with Detective Constable William Belsham of Essex Police in the witness box.

The officer agreed with the barrister that Plumb was using a mobile phone when he was arrested on October 4 last year and that officers kept it unlocked while they filmed some of the messages on it using body-worn cameras. He said that Plumb did not initially provide a PIN for the device, but that this was later provided through his legal representatives and officers sent the phone for a full download.

The defendant appeared to address how kidnapping Ms Willoughby would work in one message writing: "That's all I need to do got a rough idea her address so it's fine to track her movements for a simple place to strike but a home invasion is a better idea."
A further message read out to jurors said: "There is some blind spots to hop the wall."

Artist's drawing of Gavin Plumb standing in the dock at Chelmsford Crown Court

Artist's drawing of Gavin Plumb in the dock at Chelmsford Crown Court as he stands trial (Image: Crown Prosecution Services)

A voice note played to the jury also made reference to how he would tie up Ms Willoughby's family and take her.

The trial continues and the hearing is estimated to last about two weeks.

Ms Willoughby, 43, announced in October last year that she was stepping down from This Morning after 14 years on the ITV show.

She said in a social media post at the time that she felt: "I have to make this decision for me and my family."

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