'Anti-monarchist' Better Call Saul star Bob Odenkirk 'trashes' distant cousin King Charles

Better Call Saul's Bob Odenkirk made a shocking discovery as he traced his family tree, realising that he's distantly related to the Royal Family despite his own anti-monarchist views.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Bob Odenkirk on emotional goodbye to Better Call Saul

’s was arguably more surprised than any viewer when he appeared on PBS’ genealogy series Finding Your Roots and discovered that he is related to royalty.

The show’s host Henry Louis Gates Jr managed to trace the 61-year-old’s family tree back five generations to German-born Friedrich Carle Steinholz.

Born in 1755, Bob’s fifth great-grandfather was conceived out of wedlock and his father was the Duke of Plon who had familial ties to royalty throughout Europe due to intermarriage, making the actor a distant cousin of .

Just before discovering his royal roots, the Hollywood star shared an unexpected insight as he valiantly defended his anti-monarchist beliefs.

The Illinois-born actor declared: “I’m an American. I’m not a monarchist. I don’t believe in that.”


Bob Odenkirk

Bob Odenkirk was shocked to discover he has an odd connection to King Charles (Image: GETTY)

He explained that the systems around feel “a little twisted” to him, highlighting that he could understand why civilizations were originally built around monarchs but believed they have outlived their usefulness to society.

The star added: “I think that we’ve gotten to a better place with democracy and we should keep going down that road."

The winner later admitted that his newfound roots might change his perspective on royalty in the modern world, after the PBS host joked that he was “trashing your family” after just five minutes of being royal.

The genealogy show has sparked a growing interest in the tracing of family trees throughout history, rising to popularity alongside the likes of 23AndMe kits and FindMyPast.com which allowed ordinary people to find out their own roots right from their home.


Royal family

Bob admitted his newfound connection might change his opinion on royalty (Image: GETTY)

discovered she also has a surprising relation to the British and Hollywood royalty through these kits.

She explained to Cosmopolitan in 2020 that her mother did one of the kits and the results showed the Hilton family was related to Marilyn Monroe and that Paris’ 25 great-grandfather was King Henry II who ruled over England from 1133 to 1189, making her a 20th cousin of the current monarch.

also boasts a connection to French and English royalty, with a FindMyPast.com study revealing she is a descendant of King Henry IV of France and has some common ancestors with King Charles, namely the first Duke of Lancaster, John of Gaunt.

However, the genealogy site dubbed the “most royal celebrity” in 2012 as they traced her lineage back to Edward III.

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