James Corden and Adele performance branded 'horse s***' as restauranteur reignites feud

James Corden planned to make his final Late Late Show appearance memorable, but Keith McNally brutally slammed the efforts as "cringe-inducing" while describing Adele as "a scary Cruella de Vil".

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Adele breaks down in tears with James Corden in Carpool Karaoke

Balthazar boss Keith McNally became embroiled in a feud with at the end of last year as he accused the Hollywood star of being rude to his staff.

Now, months after the last development in the virtual row, the restaurant owner has seemingly reignited the feud as James returns to London following his final episode of the Late Late Show.

His last appearance as host saw James inviting back his long-time friend as the final guest for Carpool Karaoke, a segment which saw both stars in tears at some point as they opened on the trials and tribulations they had helped each other through.

Taking to Instagram yesterday, Keith shared some screenshots of the segment and brutally slammed the pair claiming the show was “the biggest pile of horse s**t I’ve seen in 40 years”.

Keith fumed: “Despite finding them slightly cringe-inducing, I've always loved James Corden's carpool karaoke. Last week was Corden's final carpool and his most cringe-inducing.


james corden

James Corden and Adele both became emotional during his final Carpool Karaoke segment (Image: CBS)

“His guest was his 'great' friend Adele whose make-up was so hideously overdone and fingernails so long she resembled a particularly scary Cruella de Vil.”

The restauranteur took a moment to appreciate the pair, saying they “are brilliant performers” but declared “like many brilliant performers they’re profoundly inauthentic”.

He continued: “Never more so than when they're being 'honest' about themselves - as inauthentic people tend to do ALL THE F***ING TIME.

“As this carpool was part of Corden's last Late Night Show both him and Adele Went to Town being 'honest' about themselves.

“It was sickening. At one point, Adele theatrically broke down on camera. It was Complete, F***ing SCHLOCK.

james corden

James made his final appearance as host of Late Late Show last week (Image: GETTY)

“And of course James Corden - The King of Insincerity Himself - went along with it.”

Much like the Balthazar boss, fans and followers didn’t hold back in Keith’s comments section, with many declaring: “Keep Adele’s name out of your mouth.”

One questioned: “Why waste the 21 minutes of your life watching it if u already know they’re not ‘your cup of tea’? U seem obsessed with him after his most recent visit to your restaurant.

“You nailed him good for that, and probably well deserved, but why keep dragging? [sic]”

Another blasted: “I sure hope your food is not as tasteless and bitter as you are.”

However there were a fair few supporting Keith’s views, as one joked: “I find this post deeply troubling, Keith. How could you ever have enjoyed carpool karaoke?”

The feud between James and Keith began in October last year after the actor and his wife, Julia Carey who is allergic to egg whites, went for dinner at Balthazar.

Julia’s egg-yolk omelet reportedly had to be remade three times as it kept coming back to the table with egg whites and Keith accused the Late Late Show host of being “extremely nasty” to the staff.

After reflecting on the situation, James admitted on his show that he had reacted poorly and made a "rude comment" to servers and apologised for his behaviour.

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