Luke Bryan addresses Coronation concert 'snub' as American Idol co-stars set to headline

American Idol judge Luke Bryan has opened up on being snubbed of a spot on stage at King Charles' Coronation concert as his co-stars Katy Perry and Lionel Richie are set to headline.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Luke Bryan discusses King Charles’ coronation concert

American country star Luke Bryan, 46, has been a judge on the globally renowned talent show since 2018, alongside his fellow judges pop star Katy Perry and “national treasure” Lionel Richie.

While both Katy and Lionel are confirmed to be headlining , arguably one of the biggest concerts of the era, Luke has now broken his silence after being entirely left out of the celebrations.

Speaking to Jimmy Kimmel on his late-night talk show earlier this week, Luke admitted it’s probably for the best he wasn’t invited.

He claimed: “I didn’t know what a Coronation was. I thought it was a form of condensed milk or something…carnation…tarnation?”

The Knockin’ Boots singer revealed that when he first found out his costars would be serenading the King, alongside his Dukes and Earls, he told them: “The only Dukes and Earls I’ve ever hung with I shotgunned beer in high school with.”


Luke Bryan

Luke Bryan said he would be holding down the fort while his colleagues perform in the UK (Image: GETTY)

Luke added that he’s “probably” too American to perform at the concert, and while he highlighted that there is a country music fanbase in the UK it is not quite as strong as in America.

When asked by the talk show host if he could name any English country artists, the singer stumbled: “You’re going to get me in trouble because I don’t know, I have not heard…you know there’s some Irish country singers, we’ve had some Irish country singers come through.

“There’s a huge festival that they put on over in London and I’ve played that a couple of times.  

“Obviously Prince or King Charles was not at my concert there so I didn’t get the invite."

Luke Bryan

Luke also revealed it was The Voice star Blake Shelton who convinced him to join American Idol (Image: GETTY)

The singer didn’t seem too upset at being snubbed of an invite, revealing that he would be the only one holding down the American Idol fort while his fellow judges are away for the first week of May.

He concluded: “I’ll stay in Tennessee, I’ll be good and host the show, we have some surprises.”

Later in the interview, Luke revealed that fellow country star, and The Voice coach, Blake Shelton was the one who convinced him to give American Idol a try.

He gushed: “At the time he was just like, ‘Man it’s going to change your life’ and it really has.

“When you’re in a cab in New York City and the cab driver who is from another country goes, ‘I’ve seen you on American Idol’, it really puts you in front of a whole other audience and you don’t know that when you sign up.”

Luke also joked about how Blake leaving The Voice now meant he was the last country singer standing at a judges panel, saying he could now “dominate” the niche “as we had predicted from day one”. 

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