Dan Walker shares 'worst thing’ he did to his brother inspired by Harry and William

The TV presenter unveiled the darkest tales of growing up with his three siblings, paired with a subtle dig at Prince Harry's latest revelations.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Dan Walker compliments James Martin’s dish

, 45, started a surprising Twitter trend when he revealed the “sibling damage” he had endured and implemented on his three siblings while they were growing up. The journalist seemingly snubbed in the days leading up to the Duke of Sussex’s memoir being published.

Prince Harry recently revealed a reported altercation with Prince William in 2019.

He recalled the event in his memoir, according to The Star, noting his brother was “parrot(ing) the press narrative” of Meghan Markle when things began to escalate.

The Duke of Sussex claims that Prince William lashed out and knocked Harry to the floor.

Shortly after the revelation was shared, Dan headed to Twitter to share the worst thing he had ever done to his brother.


Dan Walker

Dan Walker revealed some of his own sibling rivalries and altercations from his childhood (Image: GETTY/ITV)

Dan Walker

Dan recalled some moments from his childhood with three siblings (Image: Brett D. Cove / SplashNews.com)

He tweeted: “I once threw a rugby ball up the stairs to him.

“It went through his hands, hit the loft catch and the ladder came down at great speed and knocked him clean out!”

The Channel 5 star concluded his tweet with the hashtag Sibling Damage, and while it seemed he initially intended for this revelation to be a once-off, Dan couldn’t help himself.

He soon added more violent memories from his childhood, with not all of them being as innocent or accidental as the “worst thing” he had done.

Prince Harry

Prince Harry's highly anticipated memoir is set to be released on Tuesday (Image: GETTY)

Dan added: “There was also the time that I separated the loose electrical connection and put it inside the fantasy book he left down the side of his bed to read at night… it gave him… a big shock.

“Also filled his bed with broken dog biscuits.”

In another tweet, Dan continued: “The low point came on the day I was sent to bed early after an argument.

“I put drawing pins through the carpet by our bedroom door and he stood on them when he came in. One got stuck and had to be cut out at A & E.

“The poor fella was on crutches for weeks.”


Dan also revealed he wasn’t the only perpetrator during his childhood: “I still have a wonky front tooth because brother smashed my head against the bathroom sink during an argument when I was about 8 or 9 (I think).

“Huge chunk of tooth came off. We still laugh about that one.”

“And my sister will remind you of the time she had to go to A & E because I stabbed her in the head with some kitchen scissors!

“I was very young and I didn’t really have a clue what I was doing. I rightly got in serious trouble over that one.”

He concluded: “In all seriousness… I’m very thankful that all 4 of us get along really well despite all the #SiblingDamage over the years.”

The star seemingly took a subtle dig at Prince Harry’s revelation saying: “It’s incredibly sad to see any family struggling to get on.

“I hope they can sort it out.”

Dan’s thread went slightly vital on the social media platform as fans flooded the comments section with their own stories of #SiblingDamage.

The presenter wrote back to them all, saying he thoroughly enjoyed the hilarious stories and declared: “Let’s all meet tomorrow and have a massive headlock competition.”

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