Piers Morgan takes down his Twitter account after hackers post vile messages about Queen

Piers Morgan's Twitter account appears to have been hacked as followers woke up to obscene and disturbing tweets this morning, including slurs against the late Queen Elizabeth II.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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, 57, is notorious for pushing the envelope on his public platforms, but many noticed the star’s account going too far this morning. It soon became apparent that the journalist’s account had been hacked by a group reportedly calling themselves the Chuckling Squad.

Alongside the expletive and expressive tweets, Piers’ account name was also changed a number of times.

At one point, Piers’ account was simply titled ‘lol’ and was also changed to ‘Michael’ and some expletive descriptions of the journalist were utilised too.

The Tweets have since been deleted and Piers’ name has been changed back to normal, indicating the hackers may have been stopped for now.

One tweet stated “f*** the queen” while another branded pop star Ed Sheeran a “ginger f***er”.


Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan's Twitter account was reportedly hacked this morning as it sent out expletive tweets (Image: GETTY)

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Dame Judi Dench sat down with Louis Theroux and spoke candidly about her career and personal life in the latter's BBC interview.

The actress and her late husband, Michael Williams, purchased their Surrey farmhouse almost four decades ago, with a much smaller price tag, but admittedly didn't remember the work she undertook to pay it off.

Piers Morgan

The expletive and insulting Tweets were out of the ordinary for the journalist (Image: TWITTER)
Not every tweet was sinister. Many sent “shout outs” to seemingly random accounts.

As followers began to publicise the fact that Piers’ account had been hacked, the account denied this, simply writing:  “No I’m not.”

Many believed the hackers to be Somalian as one post shared a photo of a man with the caption: “#selfie #somalia.”

Another post showed a map of Somalia saying: “Please recognise the territorial integrity of Somalia. All this land belongs to the Somali people.”

Piers Morgan

While Piers' tweets are usually a bit uncensored, fans could tell something was wrong (Image: GETTY)

Piers’ followers were quick to react to the out-of-character Tweets, and some even began a petition to bring the hacked account to Twitter’s attention.

However, others had more seemingly malevolent intentions as they pleaded with the hackers to access and leak Piers’s Direct Messages.

Particularly, followers questioned if the hackers could spot any communications the journalist had with Meghan Markle. 

The journalist has been notoriously critical of the Duchess of Sussex and one fan questioned if the hackers could uncover just why he holds her in such contempt.

The hackers simply replied that there was “nothing interesting” in Piers’ personal messages and left the requests unsatisfied. 

Followers continued to interact with the hackers as more tweets were released. 

The hackers took aim at countless stars and famous faces, with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson also falling victim through a tweet branding him an “ugly bum”. 

The hack lasted for approximately an hour before Twitter regained control of the situation. 

The Tweets have since been deleted and Piers’ name has been changed back to normal, indicating the hackers may have been stopped for now.

When the offensive tweets were deleted, Piers’ Twitter bio and some images in his profile also momentarily disappeared but have since been reinstated.

Some users took the opportunity to bash Twitter’s new ownership during the chaos as well. 

Taking aim at Elon Musk and his reformation of the social media platform, one Twitter user wrote: “Even Twitter circa 2012 wouldn't have had a high-profile hack like the one on Piers Morgan's account go on for this long.”

Express.co.uk has contacted a representative for Piers for comment.

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