Jeremy Clarkson compares Lewis Hamilton to James Corden: ‘God-bothering nuisance’

Jeremy Clarkson took a dive into psychology to explain why the British "love an underdog" until they become successful.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Jeremy Clarkson says he’s being ‘sued’

The former Top Gear star, 62, went on a rant about how people’s unwavering support for the little man is getting out of hand. Jeremy also went on to compare Elon Musk and Dominic Raab, describing them both as “mad and tactless”. 

Writing in his latest The Times column, Jeremy broached the current hot topic of the World Cup, explaining just why Britons may have felt a fire in their bellies when Saudi Arabia beat Argentina. 

Describing it as a “weird national characteristic”, the Clarkson’s Farm star highlighted Britain’s affinity for the underdog. 

However, Jeremy pointed out the instability that this affection brings. 

He wrote: “Why do we want the lazy and the talentless to triumph over the gifted grafter?”


Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson slammed both James Corden and Lewis Hamilton (Image: GETTY)

Lewis Hamilton and James Corden

Jeremy explained that the nation discarded Lewis and James once they achieved success (Image: GETTY)

Jeremy went on to note that the nation adored Formula One driver Lewis Hamiton until he started topping the leaderboards, adding: “Then we all thought he was a God-bothering nuisance.”

He noted that similarly, Britain had seemingly discarded the once-beloved actor James Corden once he found success in America. 

The Grand Tour star feels this mentality is getting out of hand, insinuating that the underdogs are becoming a bit too comfortable in their role as the nation’s golden-child. 

Taking the opportunity to bash cyclists, Jeremy claimed that “because they live friendless lives” they have the right of way over cars in all situations. 

Dominic Raab and Elon Musk

Jeremy also took the chance to brand both Dominic Raab and Elon Musk as 'mad and tactless' (Image: GETTY)

Jeremy Clarkson

The former Top Gear presenter also took a swipe at doctors and cyclists in his column (Image: GETTY)

Jeremy claimed the epitome of this mindset could be seen in the latest developments on Twitter following the mass exodus of employees. 

The presenter admitted he was not one to sing Elon Musk’s praises as the mogul had once tried to sue him, but did feel somewhat sympathetic to his situation. 

He explained that while the Starlink founder was left without a crew to man the Twitter-ship, he was seen as the bad guy simply because “Musk is rich and successful”. 

Jeremy went on to group Elon with Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab to label them both “mad and tactless”. 


The presenter indicated that the need to have a “Scrooge” scapegoat to give the little man some moral high ground is not a durable ideology. 

So, Jeremy proposed a solution to this conundrum, involving the nation’s favourite pastime. 

He recommended a football match between a Russian team and a team of sex offenders from Wormwood Scrubs. 

Jeremy explained: “How's your underdog sympathy policy going to pan out in a clash like that?”

He elaborated even further, bringing James Corden back into the fray in a proposed tennis match against Prince Andrew. 

The new column comes just weeks after the Clarkson’s Farm star said food prices should be doubled in the UK. 

The 62-year-old has been running his Oxfordshire farm since 2008 and explained that the difficulties in producing food should increase its price. 

In an interview with the News Agents podcast, Clarkson described the work as “soul-destroying”.

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