James Corden slammed by Balthazar boss AGAIN as he accuses star of "lying" after apology

James Corden has been criticised by Keith McNally again after the Balthazar boss accused the British actor of "lying" and issuing a "contrived" apology.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

James Corden says it's a 'miracle' he's with his wife

Earlier this month, James Corden, 44, and his wife Julia Carey, 46, went to Balthazar restaurant in New York City and have been clouded in controversy ever since. The scandal has taken the world by storm as The Late Late Show host James was publicly called out by the restaurant's boss Keith McNally.

Shortly after the incident made headlines, James apologised to Balthazar and the staff live on his chat show.

Keith accepted the apology and it seemed that the situation had been resolved.

However, over the weekend James did an interview with The Times which provoked the Balthazar boss back into action.

In the interview, James indicated his discontentment that Keith's version of events had been taken as “fact” from the start of the saga.


James Corden

The growing saga between James Corden and Balthazar has been dubbed Egg-gate (Image: GETTY)

James Corden

James apologised live on his show last week and the scandal was seemingly resolved (Image: CBS/LATE LATE SHOW)

He also explained that Keith had not been in the restaurant at the time of the incident and went on to describe the whole situation as "odd".

In light of this latest interview, the Balthazar boss took to Instagram to hit out at the Gavin and Stacey star once again.

Posting a grainy photo of James, Keith was seemingly at wit's end with the scandal and declared this would be the last time he spoke about the “non-story”.

He wrote: “I don't want to over-egg the pudding, but in Friday's London Times Corden flip-flopped and told a massive lie AGAIN.” (sic)

James Corden Julia Carey

James married his wife Julia Carey in 2012 (Image: GETTY)

James Corden

James has been in London this month for the London Film Festival (Image: GETTY)

Keith then quoted the portion of the interview in which James said the boss "wasn't even" in the restaurant at the time of the incident.

The restaurateur continued: “On second viewing, I found his TV ‘confessional' contrived and phony.

“The actor will say anything to save his bacon.

“In the scheme of things my opinion means nothing, but after Friday's interview and a second look at his fraudulent confessional, I've given up on James Corden.


“For Good. END OF STORY.” (sic)

James and his wife had gone to the restaurant in early October for a simple meal, but Julia’s allergy to egg whites caused some trouble for the staff.

Her egg-yolk omelet reportedly had to be remade three times as it kept coming back to the table with egg whites.

After reflecting on the situation, James admitted that he had reacted poorly and made a "rude comment" to servers.

The restaurant then banned the celebrity, with Keith claiming that this was not the first time James had been off-hand with staff.

Last week, James apologised live on his chat show, admitting that at first he believed he had done nothing wrong as he “didn’t shout, scream or get up out of (his) seat.”

However, he added: “I made a rude comment. It was wrong, it was an unnecessary, ungracious comment.”

Following the broadcast, Keith took to social media saying that he had “behaved much worse” than James in the past, and revered the host for apologising on live television.

The Balthazar boss had also titled that post as his “last word” on the situation. 

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