Dame Angela Lansbury's 'pain' as she uprooted family to save daughter from Charles Manson

The award-winning actress tragically died on October 11, 2022, but she and her family were in mortal danger decades before.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Murder, She Wrote star Dame Angela Lansbury dies aged 96

started acting in 1944 and was an established celebrity by 1969, when Charles Manson and his community began taking aim at . Her daughter, Deidre, was just a teenager at the time and almost became part of the serial killer’s hippie community in Los Angeles, if it hadn't been for her mum rescuing her. 

The London-born actress had moved to the US in 1942, when she was a teenager, following in her mum’s famous footsteps. 

In 1944 she received a life-changing role in Gaslight which catapulted her to stardom and by 1969, she was a well-known name in both Hollywood and on Broadway. 

Along with her thriving career, she had two children in the early '50s, Deidre, 69, and Anthony, 70, with her husband fellow aspiring actor Peter Shaw. 

However, their picturesque family life started falling off the tracks when the two siblings began getting involved in the Los Angeles drug scene in the sixties. 


Angela Lansbury and Charles Manson

Dame Angela Lansbury fled to Ireland to get her daughter away from Charles Manson (Image: GETTY)

Angela Lansbury and her daughter

The London-born actress returned to the UK with her daughter, Deidre Angela Shaw (Image: GETTY)

The acclaimed actress said it began with just cannabis but soon moved to harder, more dangerous substances like heroin, and the teens were falling in with the wrong crowds. 

She recalled in a 2014 interview with the Daily Mail: “There were factions up in the hills above Malibu that were dedicated to deadly pursuits. It pains me to say it but, at one stage, Deidre was in with a crowd led by Charles Manson.”

Charles was an incredibly charismatic individual, so much so that his followers committed murders simply because he asked. 

Angela continued: “She was one of many youngsters who knew him and they were fascinated. He was an extraordinary character, charismatic in many ways, no question about it."

Sharon Tate

The Manson Family murdered actress Sharon Tate and several other celebrities in 1969 (Image: GETTY)

Angela Lansbury

Angela was a bona fide actress by 1969, having had her film debut in 1944 (Image: GETTY)

The Manson Family, as the cult was later called, was largely composed of drug users and alcoholics, the youngest of which was only 14. 

Charles managed to convince most of his followers that the apocalyptic end of the world was coming and that he would help them survive if they followed his orders. 

Angela was unsettled by her daughter’s connections and feared what would happen if the family stayed in America, under the grasp of the soon-to-be serial killer. 

She found a home in County Cork, Ireland, saying she was drawn to it as it was her mother’s birthplace and hoped her children could grow up without further bad influences. 

Hollywood recluse Shelley Duvall, 73, seen in rare pic 20 years after retiring from acting

Over the next year, Angela reportedly turned down many roles in order to be present and care for her family. 

She noted that her son quit his habits “quite quickly” and Deidre soon followed suit and would relocate to Los Angeles years later with her husband to open a quaint Italian restaurant. 

Angela’s move may have saved her daughter, and potentially even her own life, as in August 1969 Charles ordered some of his followers to murder the famous occupants of 10050 Cielo Drive. 

This was, reportedly, to get revenge on music producer Terry Melcher who had shunned Charles when he wouldn’t sign him to a record label. 

Manson Family members Tex Watson, Susan Atkins and Patricia Krenwinkel went out to avenge their leader under his orders, but Charles had failed to notice that Terry had recently moved house. 

Instead, actress Sharon Tate, who was eight months pregnant at the time, and her three friends Jay Sebring, Wojciech Frykowski and Abigail Folger were murdered at the home the actress shared with her husband Roman Polanski. 

18-year-old Steven Parent was also murdered in his car, which was in the driveway of the home as he had stopped by to visit his friend, the caretaker of the property.

The following night, the Manson followers also murdered the LaBianca family, dubbing the era as one of the bloodiest summers in Hollywood history and inspiring Quentin Tarantino's

In hindsight, knowing all the terrible things the Manson family would go on to do, Angela admitted: "I have no doubt we would have lost one or both of our two if they hadn't been removed to a completely different milieu.”

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