Australia Day 2016: Aussies celebrate around the globe with booze, bikinis and Bogan Bingo

TODAY marks the annual event and it's definitely not one to miss.

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Australia Day is set to kick off tomorrow - and expect big things

In Britain we have various commemorative days including St David's Day, St Patrick's Day, St Andrew's Day and St George's Day. 

But none of those involve quite as much bikini-clad celebration as the ever-popular Australia Day. 

Those kids Down Under sure know how to get on down and party, as they're set to show us all today. 

A national public holiday in Australia - commemorating the founding of the colony of New South Wales on 26 January 1788 - it's a day for wild parties. 

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Native Australians will probably be heading to the beach or having a BBQ

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There are sold-out events about Australia Day across the nation going on tomorrow

Belushi's in London Bridge and Shepard's Bush are boasting "London's Biggest Australia Day Party" and there will be a "Bogan Bar Crawl" starting 

For many expats, Australia Day abroad is just about partying with fellow Australians.

Elly Glendenning, 24, has been living in London for 18 months and this will be her second Australia Day in London.

She described:  "[Last year] I was at a house party with a bunch of other Aussies. We covered ourselves in flags, kangaroo tattoos and basically any other Australian paraphernalia we could find. 

"At the moment my plan is to surround myself with Australians to make it feel as much like home as possible. With a BBQ, some lamingtons and a good crowd, you can't really go wrong."

Australia Day in NYC

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