Thai cave rescue operation LIVE updates: Divers return for trapped 9 - one stretchered out

RESCUE efforts in the Tham Luang cave resume as nine members of the football ream remain trapped. Divers have already rescued four boys successfully in a daring operation. Here is all the latest news and live updates.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Thailand cave rescue: The route the boys will have to take

Thai authorities have confirmed a rescue operation to retrieve the 12 boys and their football coach is underway.

At 2pm local time, 18 divers went into the cave to bring out the boys – including 13 international divers and five Thai navy Seals.

The former governor who is in charge of the rescue operation called the international divers “all-stars” and said the Thai divers were “five of our best”.

It might take up to four days for all the boys and their coach to come out - and it is not confirmed if the boys will have to dive.

The boys are being brought out one by one - so far four of them have been saved from the cave.

Officials said they might stop and start the operation “depending on weather” - with rains falling just a few miles from the camp

The 12 boys and their football coach have been trapped inside the cave for 15 days, after they ventured into the caves on 23 June and got trapped by rising waters.

They were discovered by British divers on Monday night after a nine-day round-the-clock search.

Here is the latest news and live updates. All times in BST.

Monday, July 9

10.26am update: Air tanks replenished, guide ropes tightened as the world awaits good news from the caves

In a press conference this morning head of the search operation Narongsak Osottanakorn, told of how preparations to rescue the boys had intensified. 

“I hope in a few hours we will have good news,” Mr. Narongsak said.

He said the divers had replenished their air supplies, and tightened guide ropes along the dangerous underwater route.

Guide ropes stretch from the beginning of the cave into where the boys are sheltered to help the novice divers escape.

“The equipment is ready,” he said at the news conference. “The boys are ready.”

9.22am update: Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to visit the Tham Luang cave site this afternoon

According to the Bangkok Post, Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha will visit Chiang Rai this afternoon in order to meet parents and relatives of the 12 football players and their coach trapped in Tham Luang cave in Mae Sai district.

Families of those trapped have been stationed at the Tham Luang cave site since the boys were discovered. 

8.10am upate: The rescue operation resumes with the same divers as yesterday

A Thai navy officer has reportedly told CNN: “The operation has begun and it is ongoing at the moment.”

He also said the same set of divers as yesterday have gone into the cave.

It is currently 2pm in Thailand, and divers will be working to guide the boys from the cave system.

They have now been trapped for 16 days. 

07.14am update: Thunderstorm forecast for this afternoon as divers race to free remaining boys

A thunderstorm is forecast for this afternoon in Chaing Rai province which is home to the Tham Luang caves.

It is currently 1.14pm in Thailand (7.14am BST) with thunderstorms predicted from 2pm (8am BST).

Eight boys and their coach remain trapped inside the cave system, with rescuers racing against the monsoon season to rescue them.

The rescue operation is yet to resume, with divers taking a break after rescuing four of the boys on Sunday.

Georgina Laud takes over live reporting from Thomas Mackie

5.10 am update: The same divers who rescued the first four boys will also conduct the next operation

Thailand’s interior minister said the same divers who rescued the first four boys will also conduct the next operation as they are aware of the conditions in the cave and know what to do.

thailand cave rescue helicopter

Rescuers carrying one of the freed boys to a helicopter (Image: REUTERS)

5.00am update: The boys will be brought out in groups of four

The Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop said she believed the boys would be brought out in groups of four, meaning at least two more operations.

Australia has sent a team of 19 to support the rescue mission which is being led by Thai authorities.

Ms Bishop said Australian divers were part of yesterday’s successful rescue operation.

3.30am update: There are unconfirmed reports that one of the four people rescued last night was the coach - 25-year-old Ekapol Chanthawong

3.00am update: Thai boys could develop mental health conditions after being trapped in Tham Luang Cave for over 2 weeks

A child psychiatrist has warned the Thai football team trapped in Tham Luang Cave could develop mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder after being stranded in darkness for over two weeks.

2.00am update: Elon Musk tests submarine-like vessel which could be used to rescue remaining Thai boys

Elon Musk is testing equipment to help rescue the remaining eight members of the Thai football team and their coach.

The billionaire tweeted a video of a small submarine-like vessel being tested in a swimming pool.

1.00am update: Operation will be resumed soon to save remaining eight boys and their football coach

Cave divers in Thailand are poised to restart the operation to extract the remaining eight boys and their football coach from Tham Luang Cave.

Divers have not gone into the cave for the rescue mission to bring out the remaining boys today, but are planning on doing so soon.

Sunday July 8

Reporting by Vickiie Oliphant

6.26pm update: Rescue called of until Monday

The rescue operation has been called off for tonight, and is set to resume on Monday in order to give the divers enough time to replenish oxygen supplies and ensure all preparations for further rescues are completed.

4.19pm update: Rescue teams need a ten-hour break

The operation to rescue the remaining eight boys - some as young as 11 and weak swimmers - and their coach was called off until Monday morning.

"Today we managed to rescue and send back four children to Chiang Rai Prachanukrua Hospital safely," the head of the rescue operation, Narongsak Osottanakorn, told a news conference.

"It's a big success of all teams. We have thousands of people helping us with the operation."

The rescue teams now needed at least 10 hours to prepare for their next operation, involving about 90 divers in total, 50 of them from foreign countries, he said.

3.47pm update: The boys' condition is 'not that bad'

A member of the Thai police outside Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital told CNN three ambulances carrying the rescued boys had safely arrived.

There was one boy in each ambulance - meaning the hospital, about 60 miles from the cave, is still waiting for one more arrival.

Eve Tapanya from the Tourist Police said their condition was “not that bad," adding: "They’re OK."

Thai cave press conference

Thai cave press conference: The rescue operation was 10 minutes quicker than expected (Image: CNN)

3.42pm update: The rescue operation went ten minutes quicker than planned

A transcript of Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak Osotthanakorn's press conference revealed the operation was carried out faster than expected.

He said: "The operation today went quicker than when we rehearsed, 10 minutes quicker.

"We haven't confirmed the identity of the four boys and the rest, where they are now.

"Four of them have been safely in doctor's hands at Prachanukroh Hospital."

"We have 13 divers in the rescue team with an extra five Navy seals. There are 90 staff for the whole operation. 50 are foreign staff divers, 40 Thai."

He added the "method to get them out, all the boys are wearing full face mask and the rescue divers carried them out through the passage in the cave complex."

3.40pm update: The rescue has finished for the day with four boys out

The rescue has been concluded for the night and will resume in 10 to 20 hours because “we’ve used all the oxygen,” according to the operation chief.

“Its actually just falling quiet here,” says Dan Johnston on the BBC News Channel. “There’s been a lot of activity in the past few minutes. It looks like people are leaving this site for the night.

“One thing to bear in mind is the tiredness levels of the cave diving exerts who are leading this operation. They have been working busily all day and it looks like some of them are actually leaving the dive site now.

“It looks like they’ve taken the decision that they have done as much as they can for today.”

50 foreign divers and 40 Thai divers are currently involved in the rescue operation.

Thailand cave rescue: Ambulances leave Tham Luang site

3.31pm update: The boys travelled 1km underwater before emerging from the cave

Officials corrected a previous statement that said six boys were out - it is in fact four boys who have been saved so far.

The four had to travel 1km underwater but walked much of the rest of the way.

One of the four boys rescued from the cave is being “closely monitored”.

A round of applause erupted after Chiang Rai governor Narongsak Osottanakorn said he had met the children.

He said their health is “perfect” and called today the “best situation”.

2.21pm update: Donald Trump tweets about Thai cave rescue

The US President wrote: "The U.S. is working very closely with the Government of Thailand to help get all of the children out of the cave and to safety.

"Very brave and talented people!"

The tweet is thought to be his first public comment with regards to the Thai cave rescue operation.

1.57pm update: More boys are out

A senior member of the rescue medical team has reportedly told Reuters that six boys have now exited the Tham Luang cave complex.

It has been reported that doctors assessed the boys inside the cave on Saturday, where they drew up an priority evacuation list.

As a result, the weakest boys will be brought out first, and the strongest will be rescued last.

Ambulances and helicopters were seen at the cave, believed to be transporting the first two boys to hospital.

Thai cave rescue: Donald Trump tweet

Thai cave rescue: Donald Trump tweeted about the 'very brave' rescuers (Image: TWITTER)

Thai cave rescue LIVE

An ambulance arrives at hospital after some of the team and their coach are rescued (Image: EPA)

12.52pm update: Two boys of the 12 have been freed

A local official in Thailand says two of the 12 boys trapped in a cave in Chiang Rai have been rescued.

ITV’s John Irvine says a local police chief has just told him that two of the boys are out of the cave complex.

They are apparently safe and reasonably well.

“Two kids are out. They are currently at the field hospital near the cave,” said Tossathep Boonthong, chief of Chiang Rai’s health department and part of the rescue team.

“We are giving them a physical examination. They have not been moved to Chiang Rai hospital yet."

The rescue took place much swifter than was initially expected, suggesting we could see many more of the youngsters emerge from the cave complex today.

The boys will now be taken by helicopter to the hospital about 60 miles away, where they will receive treatment.

But divers cannot rest on their laurels yet as there are still ten more boys left.

12.50pm update: What we know so far about the Tham Luang cave complex

The Tham Luang cave complex in northern Thailand's Chiang Rai province is 10 kilometres long.

The group are trapped kilometres deep inside and will have to make their way out through passages, some of which are fully submerged.

Last week, rescue mission chief Narongsak Osottanakorn said the "biggest crisis spot" for diving is a tiny passageway near the Sam Yak junction.

"There is a tunnel that has a passageway going up and coming down narrowly and you have to turn a bit and it's very small," Osottanakorn said on July 2.

Thai cave rescue: Diver

Thai cave rescue: Divers are hoping to bring the boys out as soon as possible (Image: REUTERS)

12.22pm update: Incredible images from inside the Thai cave

Ruamkatanyu Foundation rescuers are seen drilling into the rock ahead of the operation at the Tham Luang cave complex.

Images taken underground show as men in hard hats and divers work amid the ongoing rescue mission to save the 12 boys and their coach.

Lights are beamed into the cave as the volunteers try to drill into the rock to find an alternative way out.

12.12pm update: Elon Musk could still help Thai authorities with the extraction

While the main rescue effort is underway, officials continued to explore other options to extract the team.

Rescuers drilled holes in the hills above the cave complex to seek alternative routes down into the cave.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk said on Twitter a team from his rocket company SpaceX in Los Angeles was building a mini-sub to help with the rescue.

"Got more great feedback from Thailand," Musk tweeted.

"Primary path is basically a tiny, kid-size submarine ... Light enough to be carried by 2 divers, small enough to get through narrow gaps. Extremely robust," he said, adding it would take eight hours to build and 17 hours to send to Thailand.

A team from a Musk company with drilling and exploration expertise was expected to reach the cave site on Sunday, Thailand's defence ministry said.

Thai cave rescue - divers drill into the rock

Thai cave rescue : Divers drill into the rock to find an alternative exit (Image: REUTERS)

12.01pm update: Officials do not know when team will be brought out

In a press release, the head of the joint command centre Chiang Rai governor Narongsak Osottanakornsaid: "The operation began at 10am when 13 international divers entered the cave. 10 of them headed for chamber 9 (where the boys are) and chamber 6 (near the junction) as planned.

"Another 3 cave divers performed their duty to support diving efforts beginning at 14.00.

"There are a number of additional rescue personnel including divers, from Thailand, USA, Australia, China and Europe stationed from chamber 3 to the entrance.

"This includes a rope system to assist over difficult terrain in chambers 2 and 3."

It is unknown how long it might take until the first child has made it out.

Previous reports suggest the first child may be out at 3pm BST but this cannot be confirmed.

He added: "Because of the complexity of the cave and difficulty of the operation. it is unknown how long it will take before the team can bring out the first batch of boys.

"The divers will work with medics in the cave to assess the boys’ health before determining who will come out first.

"They cannot decide how many of them will be able to come out for the first operation.

"Based on the complexity and difficulty of the cave environment it is unknown how long it might take and how many children would exit the cave."

11.48am update: International response floods in to support Thailand's officials

The former Nigerian Vice President Atiku Abubakar tweeted out a message to say: "I am touched by the manpower and financial expense Thailand is putting towards rescuing 12 teenagers and their young coach trapped in a cave.

"It shows value for human life by the Thai government.

"This is a concept I recommend to our government. Every Nigerian life should matter.

Thai cave rescue operation:

Thai cave rescue operation: A team of divers will start extracting the boys today (Image: AFP - REUTERS)

11.42am update: Cave diving is extremely dangerous - even for professionals

Butch Hendrick, a rescue diver and president and founder of Lifeguard Systems, told CNN cave diving is incredibly dangerous.

Even the best of the best can perish inside caves, adding: "The problem of the narrow passageways ... and no visibility, cave diving is in itself one of the most dangerous things we can do."

He said in this situation there's a strong current and "trying to get them back out, we’re basically fighting a flood -- we’re working in an environment where the force is so great that the rescue divers are trying to figure out constantly how to make their bodies function through it, and continue to breathe,.

"Trying to pull themselves back along the line, and be able to carry the boys with them, is an enormous effort."

11.25am update: The change in weather is 'really scary'

Rafael Aroush, an Israeli diver who lives in Thailand and has travelled to the rescue site to help, tells CNN the weather is a "great factor" and "actually really scary."

He says the cave is limestone and there are many streams overflowing into the cave, despite work tp pump water out.

And he warned the ongoing monsoon weather could "destroy the whole operation."

Speed is "very, very important," now, he says. "There might be crucial changes in the rescue operation and somebody will make a decision, maybe to bring more of them out today."

11.14am update: The first group of boys should be on their way back now.

Helicopters await to ferry them to the region’s largest hospital, the Chiangrai Prachanukroh hospital, which is almost 60 miles away.

Images from the scene show a number of trolleys sitting by the main entrance in anticipation of their arrival.

Thailand cave rescue: 'Everyone is ready' says official

10.50am update: Water levels dropped so the team could walk part the way out of the cave

Water levels inside the cave dropped by more than 30cm on Thursday – the lowest level in the past two weeks.

And rescuers can now walk from the cave’s entrance through its first, second and third chamber, which lies 1.7km from the area where the 13 survivors are trapped.

10.45am update: New oxygen tanks are being delivered to the mouth of the cave.

A former member of Thailand's SEAL unit died during a dive early on Friday morning.

“National hero” Saman Kunan proved this week that it is vital there is enough oxygen to replenish everyone along the route.

10.43am update: Rains are falling at the cave where the soccer team are trapped

Rain soaked the Tham Luang Cave area in northern Chiang Rai province on Sunday and stormy weather is expected for the next two weeks.

The new rains are increasing the risks in what has been called a "war with water and time" to save the team.

“It’s always been against time but that has become more and more critical over the past few days,” reports the BBC’s Sophie Long, holding an umbrella as monsoon rains pour down upon the area around the cave.

“The fear was that if they didn’t move now that the rain .. would gush down the mountain and refill the cave leaving the boys in an even worse situation than there were in, in the first place.”

10.38am update: Trapped boys will be split into four groups to be rescued

The trapped boys will be divided into four groups as part of the rescue mission, the Bangkok Post claims.

The first group will have four people, with the second, third and fourth containing three people.

The 25-year-old football coach will be in the final group.

10.30am update: Navy SEALs show how the international community has banded together to save the boys

The Thai Navy Seals have posted a photo to their Facebook page, demonstrating how local and international forces have united in the effort to free the trapped boys.

The captain read: "We, the Thai Team and the international team, will bring the Wild Boars home."

The image should three people, of different skin colours, holding wrists as they unite to find the children and bring them home.

10.22am update: A graphic has been released showing how the boys will escape

The Thai government today released a graphic about the operation to rescue the 12 boys and their coach from Ttham Luang Cave.

The boys will be wearing full face masks with 2 divers accompanying 1 boy, and the groups will be guided by a rope.

When facing a very narrow path, they will release their tanks from their backs and slowly roll both the tank and guide the boy through.

They will then walk from Chamber 3 to the mouth of the cave.

Thai cave rescue: Navy SEALs divers

Thai cave rescue: Navy SEALs divers showed the unity of those working to free the boys (Image: FACEBOOK)

Thai cave rescue: Rescue operation plan

Thai cave rescue: Officials released the rescue operation plan (Image: TWITTER)

10.00am update: The team of 18 divers should now have reached the boys

The 18-strong group of Thai and international rescue divers should by now have reached the 12 boys and their football coach, who have been trapped for 2 weeks inside a flooded cave.

The rescue team will likely now be preparing the first and strongest of the children for the perilous underwater extraction.

It is still unknown whether the boys will have to dive themselves. They cannot swim but have had basic diving training over the last two weeks.

9.55am update: The Thai prime minister could visit tomorrow

Thai prime minister Prayut Chan-Ocha is expected to fly to Chiang Rai tomorrow and arrive at the rescue site in the afternoon.

After his arrival, he will oversee the rescue effort and meet with the families of those trapped.

Prayut previously visited the camp last week where he spoke to families.

9.37am update: Heavy rain falling a mile from the cave

The operation to drain the cave of water – which has seen millions of gallons pumped out throughout the past week – continues at speed.

But a mile away, heavy rain is already falling - putting the rescue mission at risk.

8.12am update: We could see the first rescued boy emerge from the cave this afternoon

The mammoth mission has taken divers some five hours to locate the boys and another five to swim back to base camp, where plans were being made for their rescue.

The evacuation operation began earlier this morning and is expected to take about two days for the children to all be freed.

However, it is likely we will see the first rescuee sometime later this afternoon if all goes according to plan.

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