Hawaii volcano eruption update: What is the golden 'hair' spewing from Kilauea?

HAWAII’S Kilauea volcano has devastated Big Island, having erupted explosively for over a month. Earthquakes and lava have continued across the island, but what is the golden ‘hair’ spouting from Kilauea?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Fissure 8 spewing lava

Kilauea continues to wreak havoc for Big Island residents (Image: GETTY)

Fissure 8 is still fountaining lava, feeding a channel which is travelling north and then eastward toward the ocean.

The lava spewed from Kilauea’s most explosive fissure has been seen to be reaching heights of 200 feet according to the United States Geological Survey.

The USGS is continuing to monitor the lava flow as it enters the sea in Kapoho Bay.

The USGS said: “The ocean entry remained fairly broad with one main entry and several minor ones.

“A laze plume at the ocean entry was blown onshore this morning, and areas of upwelling offshore were present. Fissures 16 and 18 continue to ooze lava.”

Gas levels around the fissure and ocean entry remain high, with dangerous plumes of laze blowing inland.

Laze consists of hydrochloric acid mist, fine glass shards, and steam and occurs when molten lava meets cool sea water.

What is the golden ‘hair’ spewing from Kilauea?

As well as volcanic gas and molten lava, fissure 8 has been spouting what is known as Pele’s hair from its surface.

Golden strands of Pele's hair

Pele's hair has been forced from the explosive fissure 8 (Image: USGS)

Pele in Hawaiian religion is the creator of the Hawaiian Islands and the Goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes.

Many Hawaiians believe Kilauea to be home to a family of fire Gods, one of them being Pele who controls lava flows.

Pele’s hair is a type of lava named after the Fire Goddess, and give the appearance of glass raining down from the sky.

It takes the form of volcanic glass fibres or thin strands of volcanic glass formed when the molten basaltic glass is stretched.

Hawaii volcano: Latest footage show flow of lava into ocean

Pele’s hair usually occurs when there are vigorous lava flows, as seen at Fissure 8.

Wind can carry the strands, thin enough to resemble hair, high into the air and can reach several kilometres away from its point of origin.

This type of lava is not unique to Hawaii, in Iceland, the basaltic glass shards are known as “nornahár” or witch’s hair.

Anyone who comes across Pele’s hair should try if possible not to touch shards, as they are very sharp, and keep a safe distance as it is dangerous if inhaled.

The fine hair-like shards can measure up to 2 metres long, whilst having a diameter of fewer than 0.5 millimetres.

“Pele's hair and other lightweight volcanic glass from high fountaining of Fissure 8 are falling to the west of the fissure and accumulating on the ground within Leilani Estates,” the USGS said.

“Winds may waft lighter particles to greater distances. Residents are urged to minimize exposure to these volcanic particles, which can cause skin and eye irritation similar to volcanic ash.”

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