Hawaii volcano update: Latest USGS earthquake map as 344 quakes strike in 24 hours

HAWAII’S Kilauea Volcano is continuing to cause devastation across Big Island, as fissures spew yet more lava across the eastern side of Hawaii’s largest island. Earthquakes have also continued to shake residents, with a high 5.5 magnitude quake on Sunday.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Arial view of fissure 8

The historical monthly average for earthquakes on Big Island has been massively suroassed (Image: GETTY)

The historical monthly average number of earthquakes for the island is 1,000, and in the past 24 hours there have the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory recorded 344 quakes.

The largest of these measured a magnitude of 6.9 and took place on May 4. 

The USGS said: “Earthquake activity at the summit was low after Sunday's small explosion, but has slowly increased since that time”.

A staggering 9,900 earthquakes have taken place on Hawaii’s Big Island between May 4 and Monday, June 4 according to the United States Geological Survey. 

More earthquakes are predicted for Big Island, with the USGS reporting today that: “We expect that earthquake rates will increase in the coming hours and culminate in another small explosion, perhaps within the next day, following the pattern of the past few weeks.” 

The volcano currently has an aviation colour code of red according to the USGS, which means that eruption is ongoing with significant ash-plumes being released into the atmosphere. 

Fissure 8 is also continuing in its explosive activity, feeding a constant stream of lava across the eastern side of the island.

The USGS Survey has said that  “Fountaining at Fissure 8 continues to feed a robust channel transporting lava to the northeast along Highway 132 and east to the ocean entry in Kapoho Bay.”

USGS map of cluster of earthquakes

The label for Kilaeua hidden beneath a mass of orange and red earthquake markers - 344 in 24 hours (Image: USGS)

Hawaii volcano: Kilauea lava crashes into ocean in shock video

Those close to Kapoho Bay have been warned to stay 1,000 feet away from the ocean entry site, due to hazardous emissions.

When molten lava meets the sea it causes the water to boil, releasing a toxic plume known as laze. 

Laze is a mixture of fine glass shards, hydrochloric acid, and steam which can be blown inland towards nearby residential areas. 

If come into contact with, laze can cause skin and eye irritation, as well as respiratory problems which can result in death. 

Those who suffer from asthma or other breathing issues are most at risk from this deadly cloud.

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