Italian populism SURGE: Anti-EU Lega party SKYROCKETS in latest polls

ITALY’S populist parties would triumph if Italians were to head to the ballot today, with anti-EU Lega seeing an astonishing four per cent rise in just two weeks, latest polls suggest.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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Matteo Salvini’s Lega is coming out a winner from the financial, political and institutional crisis that is sweeping over Italy, according to a poll analysing Italians' voting preferences.

The anti-immigration and eurosceptic party is the only one that has recorded a steady growth since the inconclusive March 4 elections.

Lega, which obtained 17.4 per cent three months ago, gained eight percentage points, hitting 25.4 per cent in the polls conducted by global research company IPSOS.

And the number of its supporters surged by over four percentage points in just two weeks between May 4 and May 18, when the party was holding coalition talks with anti-establishment Five Star Movement.

Termometro Politico, an Italian news outlet focused on analysing polls’ results, described the surge as rare. 

Journalist Gianna Balduzzi said: “Not often in a poll you find a party surging more than four per cent in two weeks.

“Legal is the only party that is growing and dragging with it the centre-right.

“All other political forces are going down in the poll.”

The survey, analysing the voting intentions of 4,000 Italians, also showed that Five Star has remained stable in the long run, going from 32.7 per cent in March to 32.6 per cent on May 18.

But it lost more than one per cent of support over the two weeks Lega made a big gain, as it reached 33.7 per cent on May 4. 

italy crisis election eurozone lega five star latest polls

Matteo Salvini's Lega has gained 8 percentage points in the last three months, a poll showed (Image: GETTY)

Ms Balduzzi said: “Five Star is remaining fundamentally stable. On the other hand, those who lost the elections are losing now as well.”

Centre-left wing Democratic Party (PD) fell from 18.7 per cent to 18.1 over the last three months.

And left-wing Free and Equal went from 3.4 to 2.4 per cent, which means that if Italy were to go to the ballot today, they would not reach the 3 per cent minimum threshold to sit in parliament.

But the biggest losers are right-wing parties, which may be seeing their voters swinging to Lega.

Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia lost two percentage points since March 4, going from 14 per cent to 12. 

italy crisis election eurozone lega five star latest polls

Matteo Salvini's party has made a whopping gain of four percentage points in just two weeks (Image: GETTY)

The League leader Matteo Salvini greets supporters in Pisa

And far-right wing party Brothers of Italy, which has started showing its support to the Lega-Five Star coalition during the last week, went from 4.3 per cent to 3.4.

The publication of these data follows the blunder from European budget commissioner Guenther Oettinger, who yesterday said in an interview that “the markets and a darkened outlook will teach Italy’s voters not to vote for populist parties in the next elections”.

The outburst sparked outrage across the whole political spectrum in Italy and led EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker to condemn his words.

A spokesman said: “The comment was inconsiderate.

“This is the official position of the EU Commission: It is up to Italians and only them to decide the future of their country and no one else.” 

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