Italian PM RESIGNS after President vetoes anti-EU Minister facing now IMPEACHMENT calls

ITALY'S newly-appointed Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has resigned after President Sergio Mattarella vetoed the appointment of anti-euro professor Paolo Savona as Ministry of the Economy out of fear he would push Italy out of the euro, leading parties to call for his impeachment and new elections.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Matteo Salvini tells EU not to get involved in Italian affairs

Mr Conte, a law professor with no political experience, took his list of ministers to President Mattarella hoping to end the political deadlock that has been lasting for more than two months. 

But the president rejected Mr Conte's candidate to the Ministry of the Economy, the 81-year-old eurosceptic economist Mr Savona. 

The veto from the president brought Mr Conte to "give up on efforts to form a government", a presidential official told Reuters, and resigned. 

The leaders of the two anti-establishment parties trying to field a government accused President Mattarella of betraying the Constitution and demanded a new vote as soon as possible.

After the meeting, Mr Conte said: "I am grateful to the two parties who chose me to form the government of change. 

"I can guarantee you that I did my best, i put all my efforts and attentions into this task." 

President Mattarella, who in a bid to avoid holding new elections summoned International Monetary Fund senior official Carlo Cottarelli for a meeting on Monday, explained his choice in a televised address.

He said: "I haven't obstructed the creation of the government, I actually supported the attempt following the rules stated in the Constitution. 

"I have agreed and accepted all the nominations, except that of the Minister of the Economy.

"But the President can't be threatened.

"I asked for that ministry an authoritative political figure from the coalition parties who was not seen as the supporter of a line that could provoke Italy's exit from the euro."

He added he was not to blame for the impasse, saying that he had proposed alternatives for the key economy ministry position, but his suggestions had been spurned by eurosceptic parties Lega and Five Star Movement, which supported the nomination of Mr Savona.  

Italy's newly appointed PM Giuseppe Conte resigned

Italy's newly appointed PM Giuseppe Conte resigned (Image: EXPRESS)

President Mattarella has received stark criticism from both anti-establishment Five Star Movement's leader Luigi Di Maio and far-right Lega leader Matteo Salvini, who after weeks of coalition talks put forward the name of Mr Conte last Monday to guide their coalition government. 

Mr Di Maio issued a threat him, saying: "Mattarella's choice incomprehensible.

"The truth is that they don't want the Five Star Movement to create a government, I am really mad. But this is not over."

And together with Brothers of Italy's leader Giorgia Meloni has called for impeachment of President Mattarella on the basis of high treason.

He said: "We were a few steps away from forming a government, and we were stopped because in our cabinet there was a minister who criticised the EU.

"I want this institutional crisis to be taken to parliament and the president tried."

italy news giuseppe conte italian prime minister resigns mattarella paolo savona

Professor Paolo Savona was Lega's choice for the post of Minister of the Economy (Image: GETTY)

Echoing the anti-establishment party leader's tone, Mr Salvini added: "We have worked for weeks, day and night, to give birth to a government that would defend the interests of Italians. But someone said no."

Mr Salvini went as far as calling for new elections. 

He said: "Italy is not a colony, we won't be slaves to anyone.

"At this point, with the honesty, coherence and courage we have always shown, we have to ask Italians to go back to the ballot.

"In a democracy, if we are still in democracy, there's only one thing to do, let the Italians have their say."

Italy's caretaker and former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni supported the Italian President's choice.

Writing on Twitter, he added: "We must save our great country."

The president had already voiced his opposition to the nomination of Mr Savona in the past days, outraging Mr Salvini, who fiercely backed Mr Savona's appointment.  

italy news giuseppe conte italian prime minister resigns mattarella paolo savona

Five Star Movement's leader Luigi Di Maio called the president's choice 'incomprehensible' (Image: GETTY)

On Friday, following a first inconclusive meeting between Mr Conte and President Mattarella, Mr Salvini wrote on Facebook: "I am really angry". 

And on Saturday he said Italy will not choose a Minister that will please Germany, who has often mocked Italy. 

Referring to cartoons and editorials published on two German magazines earlier last week describing Italy as an "aggressive freeloader" he said: “German journalists and politicians insult us: they call Italians beggars, lazy, tax evaders, freeloaders and ungrateful people.

“And we should choose a finance minister that they like? No, thanks! #ItaliansFirst.” 

Following the appointment of Mr Conte, Mr Savona has been major stumbling block to the creation of the new government.

The 81-year old is an experienced academic and has previously covered roles both in banking and government.

But he has alarmed markets with his eurosceptic views, that went as far as calling for a "plan B" to be drawn up to allow Italy to leave the euro zone with as little damage as possible should that prove necessary.

Former finance minister Ignazio Visco has called him "suicidally anti-German". 

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