Today Italy gets first right wing ‘populist’ government since Mussolini

THERE are a few t’s to be crossed and i’s to be dotted – not least who will be Prime Minister – but by the end of today Italy will have its first out-and-out populist right wing government since Mussolini was executed by partisans in 1945.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Luigi Di Maio tells Brussels: 'You need to pay Italy more'

The Anti-EU Lega and anti-establishment Five Star Movement have already agreed on a coalition and will seek formal permission to form a government from Italian President Sergio Mattarella this afternoon.

The coalition, which has already stated its aim to ignore EU rulings which don’t dovetail with its own aims, is Brussels worst nightmare – and makes Britain’s Brexit vote look like a minor Euro-policy hiccup.

The round of talks between the two parties which took place during the weekend has seen Lega’s Matteo Salvini and Five Star’s Luigi Di Maio drafting their “Contract for the Government of Change”, which include a series of expensive economic promises and disruptive political changes.

Their plan, which would come at a combined estimated cost of £110billion (€124.5bn), includes a flat tax as low as 15 percent, a guaranteed income for the poor and a lower retirement age, currently set between 63-65. 

We will need to renegotiate EU agreements to stop Italy suffocating

Matteo Salvini

Implementing these measures would see Italy’s deficit skyrocket well above the targets agreed with the EU.

The moves could even bankrupt the nation and fly in the face of stringent EU rules on spending.

But the two eurosceptic parties look set to bring their changes forward no matter what Brussels thinks, pushing for a strategy focused on Italy becoming more independent from the bloc.

Mr Salvini said: "We will need to renegotiate EU agreements to stop Italy suffocating.” 

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Italy news: Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini may create a government together today

And Mr Di Maio said that both Europe and the Euro needs to be “entirely changed.”

Explaining that it is time for a “deep reflection” on how to pursue changes to the EU, Mr Di Maio also attacked one of the EU's golden rules, its deficit limit: “I think we all agree that the deficit threshold of 3 percent of GDP should be reviewed or replaced.”

And more disruptive measures could be on their way if the two leaders create a joint Cabinet.

Five Star’s founder Beppe Grillo has recently reintroduced the idea of holding a referendum on the euro, a currency which has been blasted as “German” by Mr Salvini.

The populists could also call for a tougher stand against immigration, closing Italy’s border to migrants coming from war-stricken countries and redirecting them to other EU’s coasts. 

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Italy news: Sergio Mattarella issued an ultimatum last week

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Italy news: Mr Salvini said Italy will have to renegotiate EU agreements

Massimiliano Panarari, who teaches political communication at LUISS Guido Carli, a university in Rome, highlighted the similarities in the two parties’ ideologies: “These are the gatekeepers of a new political system in Italy.

“They are similar in general ideology: They are both nationalist, they are both anti-European — in the sense that they would defend Italian interests against the European Union.

“I think on these points there is basis for an arrangement.”

The talks between Mr Di Maio and Mr Salvini come after more than two months of political deadlock, after that the March 4 election failed to grant a clear majority to any party.

Last week President Mattarella issued an ultimatum to Parliament, saying that if the party leaders proved unable to give the country’s a Government, he would have called for a neutral cabinet led by technicians and experts or new elections.   

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