Syria attack: Assad DEFIES USA missiles - shelling civilians hours after the US-led blitz

SYRIAN tyrant Bashar al-Assad defied a massive US-led airstrike over the weekend and resumed shelling his own civilians while the ruins of his chemical weapons factories were still smoking.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Footage shows destruction in Syria after joint air strike

Within hours of the joint US, UK and French attack - which saw 105 allied missiles hit strategic targets - the Damascus government attacked the two towns in the Syrian countryside.

Rescue workers said “28 barbaric air strikes” hit civilian homes.

Volunteer organisation White Helmets, which assists victims of bombing in parts of rebel-controlled Syria and in Turkey, tweeted on April 15: “Heavy shelling on #Homs & #Hama countryside today.

“28 barbaric airstrikes followed by artillery shelling on civilian homes in #Almajdal and #IzAlden.

“#WhiteHelmets teams are working on an urgent response to evacuate the injured from the target areas.” 

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Assad resumed shelling his own civilians hours after the US bombed his chemical weapons sites

Let’s not kid ourselves, Mr Assad has no shortage of tools in his destructive and deadly arsenal

Mara Karlin, a former senior Pentagon official

Military analyst Qalaat Al Mudiq tweeted a map showing where pro-Assad forces operated following the Western strike.

Mara Karlin, a former senior Pentagon official, said: “Let’s not kid ourselves, Mr Assad has no shortage of tools in his destructive and deadly arsenal.

“He will keep pursuing his strategy, but will probably use different means for a bit.”

The air strike, which was carried out by US, British and French forces, represented the first coordinated Western military action against Mr Assad. 

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Map showing where pro-Assad forces operated following the Western strike

It came more than a week after a suspected poison gas attack against civilians took place in the rebel-held town of Douma, in Eastern Ghouta, and targeted what the Western allies believed were chemical weapons sites.

As a consequence, the bombs “were not aimed at changing the balance of power on the ground in Syria”, as said by Zalmay Khalilzad, a former US ambassador to the UN.

Members of the Trump administration, including US defence secretary Jim Mattis, suggested that the focus of the strike had to be narrowed down to chemical weapon sites to minimise civilian casualties and avoid an escalation with Mr Assad’s backers, Iran and Russia.

But experts believe the coalition should now build upon the strike by formulating a broader strategy that could eventually overthrow Mr Assad.

Mr Trump already made clear his commitment to further hit Syria, should Mr Assad attempt to use chemical weapons again. 

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Jim Mattis suggested that the focus of the strike had to be narrowed down to chemical weapon sites

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said on Saturday: “We are prepared to sustain this pressure, if the Syrian regime is foolish enough to test our will.

"If the Syrian regime uses this poison gas again, the United States is locked and loaded.”

And Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, suggested yesterday that Mr Trump still had broader aims in Syria, warning that the US “have to contain Iran”.

She added: “We have to make sure that the bad acting that they have been a part of doesn’t continue and doesn’t grow”.   

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