China sent delegation to Russia to show 'Russo-Chinese unity' against the US

CHINA has voiced its strong support for Russia and has showed the unity of the two countries’ military forces while both Beijing and Moscow are engaging in their own disputes against the West.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

American professor: China is ready for trade war

China and Russia flexed their muscles against Washington and the EU at the 7th Moscow Conference on International Security.

Chinese defence minister Wei Fenghe went on his first foreign trip since his appointment to meet his Russian counterpart Sergey Shoigu.

During the meeting he stressed the nations’ “united position” on the international arena.

Without hiding that one of the main goals of the visit was to send a clear message to Western powers, Mr Wei said: “The Chinese side came to let the Americans know about the close ties between the Russian and Chinese armed forces.”

The choice of meeting at the Moscow conference highlights the “special character” of the bilateral partnership, said Mr Shoigu. 

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China has voiced its support for Russia against Western countries

Western countries are putting political pressure on Russia and the US is provoking China into a trade war

Gao Fei, a professor of Russian studies at the China Foreign Affairs University

The state visit was preceded by a report claiming that the current political environment “may drive China and Russia to form closer ties”.

In an article the Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper, the report quotes analysts saying that the “international environment” will add to the already “good cooperation” between Moscow and Beijing to bring them even closer.

Gao Fei, a professor of Russian studies at the China Foreign Affairs University, told Global Times: “Western countries are putting political pressure on Russia and the US is provoking China into a trade war.”

The professor refers to the number of disputes both Russia and China are involved in.  

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Sergey Shoigu and Wei Fenghe met at the 7th Moscow Conference on International Security

The US and China are engaged in an escalating trade war which led US President Donald Trump to trigger new tariffs on steel and aluminium.

Tensions between the countries are also rising in the South China Sea, where China has been aggressively perfecting a key military outpost in one of the islands it has claimed.

Beijing has slammed as “provocations” the passages of US warship near its territories in the disputed waters, whereas the US navy opposes the Chinese claims and its influence in the area.

Russia, on the other hand, has slammed the support showed to the UK by many Western countries who expelled Russian diplomats following the Salisbury attack.

Moscow’s envoy to NATO Aleksandr Grushko also warned that the NATO military buildup along Russian border “crossed the red line”. 

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