North Korea HQ UNDER FIRE as gunmen strike in Japan sparking World War 3 retaliation

GUNSHOTS have been fired at North Korea’s headquarters in Tokyo as tensions between the two nations rise over Kim Jong-un’s nuclear missile programme.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un; NK headquartersGETTY

Multiple shots were fired outside North Korea's headquarter in Tokyo

The two gunmen emerged from a van to strike the gates of a complex housing the pro-North Korea group the General Association of Korean Residents.

Multiple shots were fired before the men fled.

Japan has strict gun laws meaning shootings are extremely rare.

Police have since arrested two men on suspicion of being the gunmen.

They are reportedly linked to right-wing groups.

North Korea’s nuclear programme and the testing of missiles which invaded Japanese air space twice in the last years have increased the tensions between the hermit country and Japan.

Last year, Kim Jong-un pledged to “sink” Japan and reduce the US to “ashes”, claiming North Korea could carry out a nuclear strike on the US mainland.

The UN Security council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea in September.

Tokyo remains under the United States’ “nuclear umbrella” as it doesn’t currently have his own nuclear force.

Earlier this month, the Japan Times reported that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was to ask for emergency evacuation support for the country’s citizens from South Korea’s president Moon Jae-in, highlighting the country’s fear of a military clash with North Korea.

Japanese police outside the headquartersGETTY

Japanese police have arrested two men on suspicion of being the gunmen

US President Donald Trump urged both Abe and Moon to pressure North Korea about its nuclear programme.

The 2018 Winter Olympics, taking place in South Korea, have been seen by the international community as an opportunity to open a dialogue with North Korea and ease tensions.

In January, Pyongyang and Seoul resumed bilateral talks ahead of the games, and decided to march together under the same flag at the opening ceremony and join their teams in a number of competitions.

Yet, the Olympics haven’t erased the threat of a nuclear war.

Tension kept growing between Washington and Pyongyang after North Korea reportedly pulled out a secret meeting with the US two hours before it was scheduled to happen.

Vice President Mike Pence and top Pyongyang officials — including North Korean leader’s sister Kim Yo Jong - originally planned to meet on the sideline of the Winter Olympics.

Heather Nauert, spokeswoman for the United States Department of State, said in a statement that the cancellation took the US by surprise.

“At the last minute, DPRK officials decided not to go forward with the meeting.

Pence: US will 'stand strong' against North Korea's 'EVIL regime'

“We regret their failure to seize this opportunity.”

Earlier today, reports have claimed that US President Donald Trump is preparing a “large package” of sanctions against the regime.

Fox News reports that Mr Trump plans to announce the Treasury Department will take action to “further cut off sources of revenue and fuel that the regime uses to fund its nuclear programme and sustain its military by targeting 56 vessels, shipping companies, and trade businesses that are assisting North Korea in evading sanctions.”

There are about 500,000 ethnic Koreans currently living in Japan, many of them descended from the two million Koreans brought to the country as forced labour during Japan’s 1910-1945 colonisation of the peninsula. 

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