Julian Assange convinced Donald Trump Jr to release emails that his ‘ENEMIES already had’

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange revealed he tried to convince Donald Trump Jr. to release his emails relating to alleged collusion with a Russian lawyer prior to the US election.

Donald Trump Jr: I probably would have done things differently

Mr Assange, who is based at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, was referring to an email exchange that President Trump’s eldest son had with Rob Gladstone, a British publicist, that showed the pair orchestrating a meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

The computer programmer tweeted: “Contacted Trump Jr this morning on why he should publish his emails (i.e with us). Two hours later, does it himself.”

The Australian said he told Trump Jr. that his “enemies” had the documents and would “milk isolated phrases for weeks or months” that would have their own “context” or “spin”.

Donald Trump Jr and Julian AssangeGETTY

Assange said he convinced Donald Trump Jr to release the emails

Asked by another Twitter user to explain, Mr Assange continued: “I argued that his enemies have it – so why not the public?

“His enemies will just milk isolated phrases for weeks or months… with their own context, spin and according to their own strategic timetable.

“Better to be transparent and have the full context… but would have been safer for us to publish it anonymously sourced. By publishing it himself it is easier to submit as evidence.”

The WikiLeaks founder disagreed with how Trump Jr. revealed the emails.

He said it would have been “safer” for the eldest son of President Trump to publish the emails with WikiLeaks so it would have an ‘anonymous source’.

The hacker added: “He’s surely had advice and/or is confident on the facts. I’d argue that even the completely innocent need WikiLeaks.”

White House spokeswoman releases Trump’s statement on son

Vladimir PutinGETTY

Russia have been accused of meddling in the US election last year

Robert MuellerGETTY

Mueller has been appointed to investigate links with Russia

Donald Trump Jr. agreed to meet with a Russian lawyer after being notified Vladimir Putin’s government wanted to aid his father’s presidential campaign.

In an interview on Tuesday night, Mr Trump Jr. admitted he “probably would have done things a little differently”.

A special counsel, headed by Robert Mueller, has been set up to investigate alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential election.

Julian Assange: Today is an important victory for me

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