South Korea fires WARNING SHOTS at North Korean boat after it crossed into disputed waters

A NORTH Korean boat has crossed into South Korean waters, cranking up fears the rogue state could trigger World War Three.

Kim Jong-unGETTY

The North Korean boat crossed into South Korean waters

The patrol boat crossed the disputed Yellow Sea border at 6:55am local time – a day after Pyongyang launched a satellite into space.

It only retreated after the South Korean navy fired five warning shots into the water, according to a military official.

The vessel returned back across the Northern Limit Line – which was drawn up at the end of the Korean War in 1953 – at around 7:15am, he added.

There have been several bloody naval skirmishes around the Northern Limit Line, which is regularly patrolled by South Korea.

In 2002 two North Korean patrol boats attacked Southern vessels after travelling here miles past the limit line.

This followed a similar confrontation two years earlier, dubbed the First Battle of Yeonpyeong, in which up to 30 South Korean sailors were killed.

Kim Jong-unAFP

The vessel retreated after the South Korean navy fired five warning shots

South Korea is on a high state of alert in the wake of Sunday's launch, with the country's president branding the move "an unforgivable act of provocation".

Park Geun-hye said the launch threatened "not only the security of the Korean Peninsula, but that of the region and the United States as well".

He also reaffirmed Washington's "ironclad commitment to the defence of our allies, including the Republic of Korea and Japan".

North KoreaAFP

The rogue state last month tested its hydrogen bomb

Last month North Korea threatened to "wipe out" the US "all at once" after successfully testing its hydrogen bomb.

State media said North Korean scientists were in "high spirits" following the test of the H-bomb, which triggered an earthquake.

The tremors from the 5.1 magnitude eruption were felt miles away from the state's main nuclear site Punggye-ri.

North Korea launches long-range rocket 'carrying satellite'

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