Jean-Marie Le Pen sues Madonna’s ex after selfie 'ruined Front National election chance'

THE founder of France's far-right Front National (FN) party is suing Madonna's ex-boyfriend for taking a picture of him asleep on a plane.

Mr Zaibat taking a selfie with Mr Le Pen Instagram

Mr Zaibat took a selfie with Mr Le Pen

Frenchman Brahim Zaibat, who dated Madonna for three years, took a picture of Jean-Marie Le Pen sleeping on a flight.

The professional dancer then shared the picture on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The picture is a selfie of Mr Zaibat sitting directly behind Le Pen and smiling as the former party leader sleeps with his mouth wide open.

Jean Marie Le-Pen at a Front National demonstration GETTY

Jean Marie Le-Pen at a Front National demonstration

Let's all vote tomorrow to give them a knock-out blow, to preserve our brotherly France

Mr Zaibat

On social media, Mr Zaibat, whose father comes from North Africa, urged people not to vote for the far right FN party.

He said: “Let's all vote tomorrow to give them a knock-out blow, to preserve our brotherly France.”

Mr Le Pen has claimed the photo harmed his image and contributed to his party's defeat in the French general election the next day in December. 

Madonna GETTY

Mr Zaibat is an ex of the Madonna

The FN failed to win a region in the elections, even though the party was ahead in six out of 13 regions. 

On Twitter, the image was shared 11,702 times and favourited 7,373 times. 

According to the French magazine Public, Mr Le Pen wants a written apology from Mr Zaibat and £40,000 in cash.

If Madonna's ex does not comply then Mr Le Pen will sue him for a further £8,000 for each day until he pays.

Marine Le Pen GETTY

Marine Le Pen is the president of the National Front

The court case will be heard in a civil court in Paris on January 22.

FN is well known for campaigning against immigration, especially from former French African colonies.

Mr Le Pen was expelled from FN last year after a feud with his daughter and the party's lead Marine Le Pen.

He had prior to that been suspended from the far right party for saying the Nazi gas chambers were a "detail" of history.

However, he remains a FN affiliated MEP. 

France: Jean-Marie Le Pen faces Front National disciplinary council

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