Appeal Court puts stop to Iraqi 'chancers' suing army for spurious claims

HUNDREDS of Iraqi civilians were yesterday barred from suing Britain for compensation over alleged mistreatment by British troops after the 2003 invasion.

Colonel Richard KempWARREN SMITH/GETTY

Colonel Richard Kemp welcomed a Court of Appeal ruling overturning bogus Iraqi lawsuits

The Court of Appeal ruled that the claims of human rights abuses could not go ahead because they were made outside the three-year limitation period allowed under Iraqi law.

The decision overturned a ruling last October by High Court judge Mr Justice Leggatt that the claims could go ahead.

It was hailed as "a victory for common sense" by a senior Army veteran who said it would be a great relief to British soldiers who had faced being dragged through the courts for years.

Colonel Richard Kemp, who commanded British troops in Afghanistan, said: "This is very good news. There are too many cases of Iraqis and Afghans trying to sue the Government over spurious situations, encouraged by British lawyers who deliberately go out to find them.

British forces in IraqGETTY

British forces were stationed in Iraq for eight years between 2003 and 2011

"These cases waste a great deal of taxpayers' money. They are also hugely stressful for soldiers who have already gone through enough anyway but who years after being on operations face being dragged through the courts. The Government should take a much more robust stance on this.

There are too many cases of Iraqis and Afghans trying to sue the Government over spurious situations

Colonel Richard Kemp

"This ruling is a victory for common sense."

An MoD spokesman said: "The Department welcomes the decision of the Court of Appeal as it serves to safeguard taxpayer interests in the face of hundreds of compensation claims which have appeared many years after the alleged incidents to which they refer."

Martyn Day, from law firm Leigh Day, which has been acting for the Iraqis, said: "These cases are against the MoD which has so far settled hundreds of claims by Iraqis who claimed they had been abused and wrongly detained during the period of British involvement in southern Iraq following the ill-fated war of 2003.

Royal Courts of JusticeGETTY

The ruling was made unanimously by three judges of the Royal Courts of Justice in London yesterday

"This judgment puts up an additional technical hurdle for the remaining Iraqis who are looking to get justice for what happened to them."

In the latest Strategic Defence and Security Review ministers pledged to clamp down on the spate of legal actions against the military particularly over allegations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This follows the ruling of a £31 million taxpayer-funded five-year inquiry last year that British soldiers accused of murdering 20 Iraqis were the victims of "deliberate lies".

The £1.5 million legal bills of the discredited Iraqis had been paid for by the taxpayer.

The chairman of the inquiry Sir Thayne Forbes accepted that there had been some abuses but said: "All the most serious allegations made against British soldiers... and which have been hanging over them for the past 10 years, have been found to be wholly without foundation and the product of deliberate lies, reckless speculation and ingrained hostility."

British soldiers in IraqGETTY

Many hundreds of bogus claims had previously been brought against British Armed Forces in Iraq

The ruling yesterday was made unanimously by three appeal judges, Master of the Rolls Lord Dyson, sitting with Lord Justice Tomlinson and Lord Justice Vos.

Lord Justice Tomlinson said many hundreds of claims had been brought by civilians against the MoD over "their allegedly unlawful detention and alleged ill treatment by British armed forces".

The Iraqis claim breach of their human rights and breach of Iraqi law during the British presence between 2003 and 2009.

But Lord Justice Tomlinson said the claims were made outside the three year limitation period allowed under Iraqi law.

The three judges unanimously agreed that Mr. Justice Leggatt was wrong in law to extend that period to allow the claims to go ahead.

The judges also refused permission to appeal to the Supreme Court.

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