David Cameron urges Saudi Arabia to stop flogging of British grandfather

PRIME Minister David Cameron yesterday appealed to Saudi Arabia to spare a British grandfather sentenced to 360 lashes for having homemade wine.

Karl AndreeSWNS

The 74-year-old cancer survivor was sentenced to a year in prison and 350 lashes

As fears rose that frail expat Karl Andree, 74, will not survive the brutal punishment, it emerged Britain has scrapped a proposed £5.9million deal to train the Saudi prison service.

Downing Street said the Prime Minister was personally intervening in the “extremely concerning” case of Mr Andree. Mr Andree’s daughter Kirsten Piroth said: “It is great news. We were hoping the Government would get involved. We just wanted something to happen and if it takes the Prime Minister to write a letter, then that’s great.”

Mr Andree’s son Simon, 35, said: “I’m pleased. It has taken an awful long time. I just hope that the breakdown of this deal won’t affect him.”

Karl AndreeSWNS

Karl Andree's children fear he will not survive the punishment

He had earlier warned: “This lashing sentence, I fear he won’t survive it. I want my father to come home, he’s a frail old man.”

The contract to sell Ministry of Justice expertise to the Saudis is understood to have been axed over concerns about the country’s record on human rights. But Number 10 insisted that it was not linked to the intervention in the case of Mr Andree.

I just feel like he received his sentence and he did his time and I just want him home now

Daughter, Mrs Piroth

Mr Andree – a grandfather of seven who has battled cancer and suffers from asthma – is originally from south London but has lived in the Middle East for 25 years. The former oil industry worker was arrested in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah in August last year after police found bottles of homemade wine, which breached strict anti-alcohol laws.

He was sentenced to 12 months in prison plus a flogging. Mr Andree served the jail term but is still behind bars waiting for the flogging to be carried out. A Downing Street spokeswoman said yesterday: “This is an extremely concerning case.

“We have been providing consular assistance to Mr Andree and to his family since he was first arrested and we have raised the case repeatedly in recent weeks. Given the ongoing concerns and the fact we would like to see more progress, the PM is writing today to the Saudis to further raise the case on the back of action that has already been taken by the Foreign Office.”

The family of Mr Andree say he should be released on compassionate grounds because his wife Verity has Alzheimer’s and is in Britain receiving care. His daughter Mrs Piroth also warned that he was not strong enough to survive 360 punishment lashes.

David CameronGETTY

David Cameron is personally intervening Mr Andree's case

Karl AndreeSWNS

The British grandfather has already spent a year in prison for possessing wine

She said her father was transporting homemade wine in his car when he was pulled over and arrested.

Mrs Piroth added: “He’s an old man, he’s 74, he’s survived three types of cancer with very strong cancer treatments. He’s asthmatic, he has gout, he’s not very well. He’s got a great spirit but his bodily health is not great.

“I just feel like he received his sentence and he did his time and I just want him home now.”

She said time was “of the essence” due to her father’s age.

The Foreign Office warns travellers that penalties for possessing alcohol in Saudi Arabia are “severe”. It also warns of draconian Saudi laws against women driving, adultery and homosexuality. Drug smuggling is punishable by death.

Amnesty leads protest against flogging of Saudi blogger

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