EXCLUSIVE: Are deadly lone wolf terrorists using Lampedusa to get to UK and unleash hell?

THE boats that lie discarded along the picture postcard marina tell their own story.

Migrants arriving in Lampedusa GETTY

It is feared that terrorist could hide among Lampedusa migrants

Tourists drawn to Lampedusa by its pristine beach need only glance at the damaged hulls to appreciate why this island in the Mediterranean between Africa and Sicily meant salvation following treacherous land and sea crossings for more than 150,000 African migrants last year alone.

Now recent boasts by Islamic State that it would use unrest in Libya as a springboard to import terror into Europe have turned this tiny Italian island, 70 miles off the coast of Tunisia, from a mass migration hub into one of Europe’s biggest security nightmares.

Immigration centres are underfunded by a country still in the grip of a financial crisis, and fingerprinting of migrants is not legally enforceable.

Experts last night warned it is only a matter of time until a follower answers the call of the Islamic caliphate – which has already threatened to flood Europe with half a million asylum seekers – by taking advantage of the human tsunami.

Sebastiano Sali, of the department of war studies at King’s College London, said: “The biggest threat now is the lone wolf scenario, where a jihadi could use the confusion to pass himself off as an asylum seeker to launch a major incident at one of Europe’s capital cities.”

While most of the 2,500 migrants plucked from the sea and landed in Lampedusa last month have been shipped to the mainland those remaining, who spend their days in clusters along the single main street, had harrowing and desperate stories to tell.

Farah Mohamad, a 15-year-old who reached Lampedusa 10 days ago, recounted how his family fled Somalia and the threat of Al Qaeda more than eight years ago, reaching Libya via Uganda and Sudan only to find Tripoli just as anarchic as his homeland.

A mosque helped fund his $2000 journey over the Mediterranean.

“Libya was very scary,” said the boy.

Rotting boats in the marinaMARK KEHOE

Rotting hulls of boats in the marina tell their own story

“There is no government there.

"No one is in charge.

"Very bad things happened.

"I was arrested by soldiers.

"They wanted $7,000 to let me go, but my family doesn’t have any money.

"I was there for a month and a half.

"People from the mosque helped me and paid $2000.

"At first the sea was too rough. I saw pieces of wood floating and I knew these were from other boats that had sunk.

“They put me in a plastic boat.

"There were 300 of us and it was very crowded.

"Some were from Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, and even Palestine but I didn’t know anyone and I don’t speak Arabic so I felt totally alone.

"Some on the boat were very devout and prayed. Some men were travelling alone.

Farah MohamadMARK KEHOE

Farah Mohamad, 15, is a new arrival from Kenya

"The captain was Libyan and I kept quiet,” he said.

After almost two days at sea they were spotted by an Italian coastguard vessel and picked up.

Like 60 per cent of all migrants who land in Italy, Farah will make his way further afield.

“I have a friend in Norway.

"We keep in touch through Facebook.

"I will try to join him there.

"I would also love to go to the UK.

"The British are very nice.”

Others have been less lucky.

In 2013 more than 300 died after their boat capsized.

That incident caused Italy’s previous government to launch operation Mare Nostrum, a £9million a month search-and-rescue mission that covered 27,000 square miles.

Financially unsustainable, it was scrapped and replaced by a smaller EU operation with a 30-mile radius.

Damiano Sferlazzo MARK KEHOE

Island’s deputy mayor Damiano Sferlazzo

Lampedusa’s deputy mayor Damiano Sferlazzo said Italy’s priority remained the saving of lives.

But he criticised Italy’s government and the EU for not doing enough to help and said terrorists could easily get through, with a European capital as a target.

He said: “Italy recognises our role, but does not help us.

"Rome is still crippled by the economic crisis of 2011.

"We don’t have a proper reception centre here, it’s more an emergency centre, designed to keep them for 48 hours before they’re transferred to the mainland.

"They end up in Italy and, of course, the rest of Europe.

“When they started emptying out the Libyan prisons we were warned to expect problems.

"Of course, there could be rogue jihadis, the kind of people that would kill a child without pause.

"Their targets will be Rome or another European capital.”

Local residents revealed that migrants often stay for months, rather than days.

“They are allowed to come and go as they pleased,” said one B&B owner.

“When it’s packed, they sleep outside under the trees.”

There could be rogue jihadis, the kind of people that would kill a child without pause

Damiano Sferlazzo, Lampedusa's vice mayor

According to Christopher Chope MP, of the Human Rights and Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the biggest issue is Italy’s unwillingness to tackle the immigration problem head-on.

“There is an enormous security risk at Lampedusa, particularly after the latest threats from Islamic State,” he said last night.

“Italian law prohibits forcing migrants to give their fingerprints, so many don’t.

"They slip through the system and leave mainland reception centres with no papers and no way to track them.

"That suits Italy because most don’t stay there.

"And because they have no papers, they invariably become involved in clandestine networks that operate across Europe.

"The last Italian foreign secretary was very aware of this, and there moves to change the law before that Government lost power.

“When Mare Nostrum was operational, Navy personnel were managing to get a high rate of fingerprints.

"But under the EU’s less effective operation Triton this no longer happens.”

Tom Sanderson, of the Washington DC – based Center for Strategic and international Studies, said: “Isis and al Qaeda recognise there is an opportunity in Italy, through Lampedusa where resources are stretched.

“Isis recognises there is a momentum underway because of their success, and will maximise on that by igniting activities in Europe to persuade coalition members fighting Isis to leave. They know the landscape in Libya is fertile for recruiting.

“The EU needs to act and help Italy. This isn’t an Italian problem, it’s a European one with potentially widespread and devastating consequences.

"The real fear is that Brussels won’t act until an attack actually happens by which time, of course, it will be too late.”  

Lampedusa Interview

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