Private jet blows front tyres moments after Pope Francis departs same Philippine airport

A PRIVATE jet carrying several Philippine Cabinet officials blew its front tyres and veered off the runway moments after Pope Francis departed the same airport.

pope francisAP/REUTERS

A private jet veered off the runway moments after Pope Francis departed

The jet was carrying 11 people, who were part of the Pope's entourage, and was due to leave Tacloban airport minutes after his plane left for Manila.

No one was hurt but authorities closed the airport as a tropical storm approached the region, with furious winds of up to 80mph.

The pope was visiting Tacloban to comfort survivors of the devastating Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, but was forced to cut his trip short due to another approaching storm.

Speaking at a Mass with a 150,000-strong crowd that included Haiyan survivors, the Pope confessed he struggled to find the right words to sum up such a tragedy.

"So many of you have lost everything," Pope Francis told the weeping crowd.

"I don't know what to say to you, but the Lord does know what to say to you. Some of you lost part of your families.

"All I can do is keep silent. And I walk with you all with my silent heart."

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The plane that came off the runway

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A member of authority stands near a piece of debris

Typhoon Haiyan struck Tacloban on November 8, 2013, bringing along 21-foot waves and leaving more than 7,300 people dead or missing.

The Pope drew in a round of applause when he told the audience he had decided to visit the city in the eastern Leyte province as soon as the typhoon had hit.

"I wanted to come to be with you. It's a bit late, I have to say, but I am here."

I don't know what to say to you, but the Lord does know what to say to you

Pope Francis

As he spoke, the winds whipped the altar cloth and threatened to blow off the Pope's hat.

After the Mass, his entourage took him to an abbreviated lunch with 30 survivors of Haiyan and then to a cathedral in the city of Palo.

It was here that the Pope stunned a surprised crowd by announcing he would have to leave at 1pm - four hours ahead of schedule - due to the brewing storm.

"I apologise to all of you," he said, speaking in Italian through a translator.

"I am sad about this, truly saddened. We barely have time to get to the airplane."

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Pope Francis smiles as he waves to residents after the Mass

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Thousands of people gathered to see the Pope

The Pope then quickly exchanged gifts, during which he received a wood image of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception made from the debris from the typhoon-damaged church, before speeding off to the airport in Tacloban.

Meanwhile, a 21-year-old woman from Samar died after the scaffoldings of a speaker fell on her shortly after the Mass.

The tragic ordeal was confirmed to reporters by Fr. Amadeo Alvero, Palo Archdiocese' Social Communications Director, who did not identify the woman.

The Mass was open to the public and used various languages including English, Filipino, Latin, Binisaya, Cebuano and Hiligayon.

Pope flees Philippine storm while on typhoon mercy mission

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