'This has to stop!' Poll shows outrage at UK sending £50m of aid to China

A new Express.co.uk poll has shown overwhelming agreement with Sir Iain Duncan Smith that the UK should stop sending financial aid to China.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nigel Farage slams continued foreign aid being sent to China

The UK gave China almost £50million in financial aid last year, but a staggering 98 percent of Express.co.uk readers have called for this to stop, a has shown.

A report by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) found that the UK sent around £48million to Beijing in 2021/22, with the watchdog raising concerns about transparency in the use of the money.

The amount is down from £82million in 2019 and is expected to drop to £10million by the end of 2024. ICAI commissioner Sir Hugh Bayley said: “While UK aid to China has fallen rapidly in recent years, taxpayers are still not being told clearly how much aid will continue and what it will be spent on.”

Former Conservative Party Leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith hit out at the expenditure, : “China is now the second largest economy in the world. It seems bizarre that we would be giving aid to China given their own financial position.

“Whatever else the Government says it's time for that to stop and for that aid to be given to countries that genuinely need the assistance and help in developing their economies.”

China's President Xi Jinping

A staggering 98 percent of readers have called for foreign aid to China to stop (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from midday on Thursday, July 13 to 1.30pm on Monday, July 17, : “Should the UK be giving almost £50million a year in aid to China?”

Overall, 4,918 votes were received, with the overwhelming majority, 98 percent (4,829 people), answering “no”. While one percent (65 people) said “yes” and a further 24 people said they did not know.

as readers debated whether the UK should continue to send financial aid.

Iain Duncan Smith

Sir Iain Duncan Smith also called for the financial aid to stop (Image: Getty)

The predominant view shared by readers was against the UK sending financial aid to China, with username Smurfball writing: “The second-largest economy in the world does not need foreign aid.”

Another, username bn53yxa, questioned: “Why is this allowed to carry on for so long? It needs stopping, not just China others need looking at [too]. Questions need to be asked [and] action taken.”

While username Fedupcitizen said: “We shouldn't be sending China any money at all and the money should be brought back to the UK to be spent on those in need.”

Likewise, username levelingup wrote: “No we have too many of our own people on the streets or queuing at the food banks.”

Other readers remarked that considerations are needed before the aid is stopped. Username leafspot said: “On the surface of it no, absolutely not but then the question has to be, why do we give it? Is there an ulterior motive.”

And username iknowmyonions added: “If it works in our favour then keep the money flowing. If it doesn’t…”

A spokesperson for the Foreign Office said: “We stopped direct aid to the Chinese Government in 2011 and the FCDO committed to cut ODA-funded programmes in China by 95 percent from the 2021-22 financial year with remaining funding focused on specific programmes that support British values around open societies and human rights. No funding goes to the Chinese authorities.

“We remain committed to transparency and will continue to work closely with ICAI to ensure that all UK aid spending maintains our high standards of transparency and has the greatest impact.”

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