Ukraine ‘would be a great asset to NATO’ as Britons back membership

A new poll has shown widespread support in favour of Ukraine joining NATO when the war is over.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Ukrainian President has hit out at leaders for showing “no readiness” to invite to join the international alliance after a declaration was signed at the latest summit in Lithuania that did not give a clear timeline or conductions for membership.

Yet a has revealed that 72 percent of readers support Ukraine becoming a member of NATO in the future.

A statement issued on Tuesday by the 31 NATO members said that while “Ukraine’s future is in NATO” when the war with Russia is over, an invitation is subject to Kyiv completing “democratic and security sector reforms”.

The lack of formal invitation or timetable led Mr Zelensky to say: “It seems there is no readiness neither to invite Ukraine to NATO nor to make it a member of the alliance.”

But NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine “is now closer to NATO than ever before”, with the first NATO-Ukraine Council meeting taking place on Wednesday, which acts as a forum for Kyiv and NATO members “to consult and make decisions together”.

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky

Some 72 percent of readers support Volodymyr Zelensky's Ukraine joining NATO (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 3pm on Wednesday, July 12, to 3.15pm on Thursday, July 13, : “Should Ukraine be allowed to join NATO despite Russia's warning?”

Overall, 2,687 votes were cast, with the vast majority of readers, 72 percent (1,926 people), answering “yes” they should, compared with 27 percent (720 people) who said “no”. A further 41 people said they did not know.

as readers shared their thoughts on Ukraine’s future in NATO.

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said Ukraine 'is now closer to NATO than ever before' (Image: Getty)

Most readers agreed that Ukraine should be allowed to join the alliance when the conflict with Russia ends, with username Stevie012 commenting: “Ukraine would be a great asset to NATO.”

Username John 57 wrote: “Yes, but not until after this war is over. Granting membership now would be tantamount to NATO declaring war on Russia.”

Another, username Lurccio, said: “Not until the conflict with Russia is resolved. To admit them before would oblige the rest of NATO to be formerly involved

While username Bunnykins added: “NATO should bring Ukraine into the alliance the moment the war is over. That's the only way to ensure peace.

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NATO leaders who attended summit in Lithuania

NATO members and Ukraine met in Lithuania earlier this week (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Mr Zelensky has said that the lack of certainty gives Russia the opportunity “to continue its terror”, with the potential to use Ukraine’s membership with NATO in a peace deal.

This week US President Joe Biden and G7 leaders also announced a joint declaration of long-term support for Ukraine, with Mr Biden sying: “We're going to help Ukraine build a strong, capable defence across land, air and sea, from which they'll be a force of stability in the region and deter against any and all threats.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that western support for Ukraine could lead to military escalation. He told Russian online newspaper on Wednesday: “The USA and its NATO satellites are creating the risk of a direct military confrontation with Russia and this can have catastrophic consequences.”

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