Turkey invades Syria: Why is Turkey fighting the Kurds in Syria?

TURKEY has launched an offensive against the US-supported Syrian militia, on Wednesday sending a ground and air assault - but why is Turkey fighting the Kurds in Syria?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Turkey launched airstrikes, began a ground offensive and fired weapons against Kurdish fighters in the north of Syria on Wednesday, following US troops pulling back from the area. This action has been condemned by world leaders, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaking to US President Donald Trump and expressing “serious concern at Turkey’s invasion of northeast Syria and the risk of a humanitarian catastrophe in the region.”

Why is Turkey fighting the Kurds in Syria?

feels threatened by the military wing of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) - the People’s Protection Units (YPG).

The Turkish government states the YPG is a branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) - which are considered a terrorist group by the EU and US, and have battled for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey since 1984.

However, the YPG and PKK both deny being joint entities, despite sharing similar beliefs.

Turkey’s depiction of the YPG is refuted by the US, as they have avoided taking sides in the eight-year-long civil war - but remained an ally of the West against IS.

In the alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the YPG is the prominent force.

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Turkey invades Syria

Turkey invades Syria: Troops moved toward the Syrian border on Wednesday (Image: GETTY)

Turkey invades Syria

Turkey invades Syria: Mr Erdogan and his Defence Minister Hulusi Akar (Image: GETTY)

With advisors from a US-led multinational coalition alongside airstrikes and artillery, SDF fighters took back tens of thousands of square kilometres of territory from IS.

Now Turkey’s President, wants to create a 20-mile “safe zone” across the Syrian side of the border.

With this, Mr Erdogan wants to provide homes for up to two million Syrian refugees living in Turkey.

As IS seemed close to defeat, in December 2018 President proposed removing US troops from Syria.

This then triggered calls of concern among allies and military figures, and it was Mr Trump who first suggested the creation of a “20-mile safe zone” on the border.

Turkey invades Syria

Turkey invades Syria: Turkish Armed Forces' howitzers deploy across Syrian town of Tell Abyad (Image: GETTY)

The US president tweeted: “Will devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds. Create 20-mile safe zone...”

The withdrawal of US soldiers was postponed, however, Mr Erdogan continued striving for a safe zone.

The United States and Turkey agreed in August to begin the creation of a safe zone, dubbing it a “security mechanism”.

The YPG then began dismantling border defences, but two months after agreeing to create the safe zone together, Mr Erdogan told Mr Trump Turkey would proceed alone.

Mr Trump then declared he would withdraw US troops from the border area, and Turkey should be accountable for all IS fighters caught by the SDF.

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President Erdogan said the operation - named “Operation Peace Spring” - was intended to “prevent the creation of a terror corridor across our southern border.

“[We] will neutralise terror threats against Turkey and lead to the establishment of a safe zone, facilitating the return of Syrian refugees to their homes.

“We will preserve Syria’s territorial integrity and liberate local communities from terrorists.”

After Mr Erdogan announced the offensive, Mr Trump called the operation “a bad idea.”

Later on Wednesday, Mr Trump said he didn’t want to be involved in “endless, senseless wars.”

Turkey invades Syria

Turkey invades Syria: Smoke rising following Turkish bombardment on Syria's northeastern town of Ras al-Ain (Image: GETTY)

SDF commanders had also warned before the assault began that north-eastern Syria was “on the edge of a possible humanitarian catastrophe”.

It added: “This attack will spill the blood of thousands of innocent civilians because our border areas are overcrowded.”

The SDF has also claimed the Turkish operation could clear the path for the re-emergence of IS.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called claims that the US withdrawal of troops from northeastern Syria was a green light for killing Kurds “false.”

In comments made on Wednesday, Mr Pompeo also did not explicitly confirm the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) were US allies.

Turkey invades Syria

Turkey invades Syria: Mr Trump removing troops was not a green light for Turkey said the US (Image: REUTERS)

Mr Pompeo claimed “it became very clear” after the phone call with the Turkish President “that there were American soldiers that were going to be at risk and the President made a decision to put them in a place where they were out of harm’s way.”

In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Mr Pompeo said: “The United States didn’t give Turkey a green light.”

When asked whether he changed his thinking about “viewing the YPG as US allies,” Mr Pompeo replied: “The Turks have a legitimate security concern.

“We’ve talked about that. I’ve talked about that repeatedly. They have a terrorist threat to their south.

“We’ve been working to make sure that we did what we could to prevent that terror threat from striking the people in Turkey while trying to achieve what is in America’s best interest; the threat from radical Islamic terrorism emanating from Syria, we’ll continue to do that.”

Mr Pompeo would not directly answer when asked repeatedly if the US would take responsibility for the outcome of what happens in Syria.

Mr Pompeo also said on Wednesday President Donald Trump “is mindful that ISIS might begin to rise up again.”

He said while appearing on the TV show America This Week with Eric Bolling: “There’s lots of risks from radical Islamic terrorism all around the world.

“It’s certainly the case that the President is mindful that ISIS might begin to rise up again.”

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