Hajj 2019 images and quotes: Best pictures, greetings and messages as Hajj begins today

TODAY marks the beginning of the Hajj 2019 pilgrimage, where millions of Muslims will travel to the holy city of Mecca. Here are the best pictures, greetings and messages to commemorate this holy festival.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Hajj: Thousands of Muslims perform the tawaf

Hajj 2019 will see Muslims around the world undertake a pilgrimage to Mecca today. Mecca is the holiest city in Islam, and all adult Muslims undertake a pilgrimage at least once in their lifetimes. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and usually takes around three to five days to complete.

This year, Hajj begins on Friday, August 9 - and millions of Muslims will travel from across the world to Mecca. 

Hajj re-enacts the actions of the Prophet Muhammad in his “farewell pilgrimage” in 632 AD.

A successful Hajj is believed to bring spiritual rewards and erase previous sin, with rituals undertaken throughout the pilgrimage. 

For most Muslim holy days, the greeting said to one another is ‘Eid Mubarak’.

Read More: Eid 2019: What is Hajj? What date is Hajj 2019?

Hajj 2019 images and quotes

Hajj 2019 images and quotes: Muslims pray at the Grand Mosque (Image: REUTERS)

The Arabic term translates to “happy festival”, and is most commonly used during the festivals of Eid Al-Adha or Eid Al-Fitr.

Below are some messages you can send to commemorate Hajj

  • Oh, Allah! Give me the ability to perform Hajj and to stay on the right lane forever.
  • We are blessed people to be celebrating this special day. I wish to send the warmest wishes to all the Muslims out there wishing you and your family the best of this celebration.
  • As we celebrate this special day may joy change your spirit with excitement and grace!

Read More: Eid al Adha 2019 UK: Where to celebrate Eid al Adha in the UK?

Hajj 2019 images and quotes

Hajj 2019 images and quotes: Pebbles are gathered for one of the rituals (Image: GETTY)
  • Now that you are healthier and better looking today, I wish that Allah’s blessings may forever light your way and strengthen you in your toughest.
  • O’ My fellow Muslims, let’s all turn to Allah and repose trust in him. May we seek his blessings along the way. Hajj Mubarak!
  • The happiness comes when we perform this special event and all the sins of last year forgiven.
  • There are several things that Hajj teaches us: Unity, brotherhood, and sacrifice. How I wish that this day will bring the poor and the rich in you in the same row. Hajj Mubarak!

Read More: Eid 2019: How long do Eid celebrations last?

Hajj 2019 images and quotes

Hajj 2019 images and quotes: Millions of Muslims gather in Mecca (Image: GETTY)

Eid al Adha follows Hajj, a holy festival in the Islamic calendar, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice.

The festival commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim to obey Allah, as he was asked to sacrifice his son as a test of faith. 

Ibrahim was rewarded for his obedience when his son was instead switched with a lamb. 

This year, Eid al Adha will begin on Sunday, August 11 and end on Thursday, August 15.

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