EU SHAME: Brussels funds are propping up ‘climate of fear’ in Hungary, shock report claims

EUROPEAN UNION’s funds allocated to Hungary are “generating corruption” and propping up a “partly free” democracy led by Viktor Orban.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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The has allocated some £21.3bn (€25bn) of its structural funds between 2014 and 2020 to Hungary. But this constant flow of money, which hugely helps keep the country’s economy afloat, is being systematically skimmed by Mr Orban’s network of rich and powerful and is actually harming Hungary, according to Transparency International. This organisation, a watchdog set up in 1993 aiming to fight global corruption, described in the report “Corruption risk of EU funds in Hungary” how receiving too many funds is creating problems in Hungary. 

Gabriella Nagy, the head of the watchdog’s public funds programmes, said: “The abundance of funds and the pressure for the country to use these to the greatest extent possible may in itself generate corruption, as those managing these funds plan the amounts intended for applications too high, and determine the eligible costs rather generously.”

While the euros going Mr Orban’s way is fuelling corruption and raising prices on the market, it also represents the main source of success of his fiscal policies.

Without the EU funds, “there would be no growth and no public investments” in Hungary, according to József Péter Martin, executive director at Transparency International, and Mr Orban and his party Fidesz would struggle to keep the good economic news coming. 


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Hungary has been downgraded from free to 'partly free' democracy by Freedom House (Image: GETTY)

Katalin Cseh, a newly-elected MEP for Hungary’s new liberal Momentum party, urged the EU to help Hungary end the string of corruption.

She told the Daily Telegraph: “There needs to be more direct funding within the EU framework - like Horizon 2020 - which can ensure that contracts are put fairly to open tender. Hungary has one of the poorest records in Europe on this.

“We have to tie EU funding in with ‘rule of law’ obligations, because the people don’t deserve to be denied funding because of Fidesz corruption.”

Horizon 2020 is the EU’s biggest research and innovation programme which is allocating between 2014 and 2020 nearly £70.55bn (€80bn). 

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The EU has allocated some £21.3bn of its structural funds between 2014 and 2020 to Hungary (Image: GETTY)

Hungary has been downgraded from free to “partly free” by US-based Freedom House, becoming the first EU country to be placed in that category.

Among the reasons the watchdog cited, there are issues over corruption, media and political freedoms.

Eszter Nagy, secretary-general of the Union of European Federalists in Hungary, an organisation campaigning for a federal Europe, described how ruling party Fidesz, which won 52 percent of the votes in the last weekend, is controlling the country. 

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Without the EU funds, “there would be no growth and no public investments” in Hungary, TI claimed (Image: GETTY)

She told the Daily Telegraph: “It is the general climate of fear now. It’s always impossible to know if someone is responding to a direct intervention from Fidesz, or just self-censoring to avoid getting into trouble. 

“But it comes down to the same thing.

“The problem is in the small town the local mayor can control everything - jobs, tax, operating licences - and they are loyal to Fidesz.

“No-one dares upset them.”   

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