EU CIVIL WAR: Italy 'MUST GO GLOBAL' and strike China deal DESPITE Brussels’ threat

ITALY’S government is to rebel against the European Union and become the first G7 country to back China’s Belt and Road initiative (BRI) with the blessing of Rome’s industry associations.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

US and China are starting a new Cold War warns historian

’s President Sergio Mattarella has welcomed his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Rome for a planned visit to the country. During the trip, Rome and Beijing are expected to sign a much-debated memorandum of understanding on the BRI, also known as Silk Road Economic Belt, a development plan adopted by the Chinese government to tighten cooperation with foreign countries. This signature, which Rome hopes will help make it a more attractive and easier market for investors in Beijing, has been welcomed by many Italian industry leaders. 

Giovanna Ferrara, president of Unimpresa, which represents small and medium enterprises in Italy, said: “While respecting the relationships with our historic partners, Italy must continue its dialogue on a global point of view also with , because it’s indispensable to find new exports for small and medium enterprises.

“China is a new opportunity for the ‘Made in Italy’ which we should not waste and should not end up at the centre of the next political clash.”

Maurizio Gardini, head of Confcooperative, an association representing Italian co-ops, added: “Our enterprises are doomed to export.  


italy china deal Belt and Road initiative european union

Italy is backing China's Belt and Road Initiative (Image: GETTY)

“The Chinese market represents a great opportunity for us. The world is hungry for the excellent quality represented by Italian goods.

“However, we call for caution over what we agreed on importing.

“While we are sure about the quality of what we export, we can’t always be about the imported goods.”

Mr Mattarella and Mr Xi held talks for approximately 20 minutes this morning, following which they announced they agreed to set the memorandum into stone.

The Italian leader said: “The already excellent level of collaboration between China and Italy will be confirmed and reinforced during the visit of President Xi with commercial agreements. 

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Xi Jinping and Sergio Mattarella during a joint press conference (Image: GETTY)

“The memorandum signals the creation of an ideal framework for an increasing number of cooperation between Chinese and Italian enterprises.

“The Silk Road is a two-way road and through it must transit not only goods but also talents, ideas, knowledge and future projects.”

Mr Xi also hailed the strengthened relationships the BRI can create, saying: "We want to revitalise the ancient Silk Road in order to better share the fruits of humanity's progress.

"We want to strengthen the synergies between our respective development strategies to enhance cooperation in the infrastructure, port, logistics and maritime transport sectors in order to build a series of concrete projects along the Silk Road.”

Italy and China are also expected to strike a series of deals worth up to £7bn in various sectors, including opening up the northern ports of Trieste and Genoa to Chinese containers. 

italy china deal Belt and Road initiative european union

President Xi Jinping and his wife landing in Rome (Image: GETTY)

This revamped cooperation between Beijing and Rome has worried Brussels, already concerned about the amount of access state-backed companies in China are gaining into European technologies and infrastructure.

Rome’s decision comes after the Chinese foreign direct investment in Europe fell by 40 percent in 2018 and more than 50 percent in 2017, marking the lowest level in four years, as shown in a survey by Germany’s Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) and the New York research firm Rhodium Group (RHG).

During the EU summit taking place today in Brussels, EU leaders are also discussing the bloc's relationship with China.

Austria's prime minister Sebastian Kurz highlighted how difficult is the situation between Beijing and Brussels at the moment, saying: "China is a partner, but it is at the same time a competitor.

"It's crucial that there be fair trade conditions.

"We need fair rules and naturally also protection for intellectual property and know-how from Europe and proper treatment of our investors in China."     

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