Nebraska flooding MAP: What is a bomb cyclone? Where have devastating floods hit?

NEBRASKA is in the midst of historic flooding after a severe weather system unleashed blizzards. But what is a bomb cyclone? Where is affected by devastating floods?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Nebraska Floods

Nebraska Floods (Image: REUTERS / WEATHER CHANNEL)

Nebraska flood: Town to suffer from damage for ‘months’

Nebraska and Iowa have seen devastating floodwaters cover towns, farms and homes and killed at least four people. Hundreds of millions of dollars of damage has been caused with the Missouri River inundating the states along its banks - with nearly half of Iowa’s counties declared disaster areas. Rainfall and blizzards from a severe weather system have caused the devastating flooding, with melting snow contributing to already swollen rivers. 

What is a bomb cyclone? 

Rain and snowfall alongside severe winds and rain were due to a bomb cyclone smashing into the US Midwest last week. 

A bomb cyclone, as it has been dubbed, is what is known as explosive cyclogenesis - the rapid deepening of an extratropical cyclonic low-pressure area.

This predominantly occurs during the winter, but can also occur in the summer - and can produce wind speeds of 74 - 95 mph. 

Last week’s cyclone bomb slammed into the US Farm Belt, killing untold numbers of livestock, destroying grains and soybeans in storage, and cutting off access to farms due to road and rail damage.

Read More: Nebraska flooding: Mormon bridge SWEPT AWAY as flooding kills one

Nebraska Floods

Nebraska Floods: Four people are said to have died due to flooding (Image: EPA)

Where is affected by flooding?

Following last week’s weather event, Nebraska and Iowa are both inundated with rising floodwaters - and warming temperatures causing snow to melt serves as a catalyst for the water to rise yet further. 

Matt Perdue, government relations director for the National Farmers Union trade group said: “It's really too early to know for sure how bad this is going to get. But one thing we do know: It's catastrophic for farmers.”

Rescuers have taken to boats to rescue pets and people from flooded homes, whilst roadways and bridges have been swept away. In Hamburg, Iowa, floodwaters covered buildings. 

According to Craig Head, vice president of issue management at the Nebraska Farm Bureau, Nebraska officials estimate more than $1billion in flood damage for the state's agricultural sector so far. However, Mr Head said the number is only expected to grow as floodwaters recede.

According to the state's Emergency Management Agency, the estimated damage to public infrastructure and other assets is $553 million, as well as $89million in privately owned assets. 

The water also covered about a third of Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, home to the US Strategic Command, whose responsibilities include defending against and responding to nuclear attacks.

In Niobrara, Nebraska, south of the Missouri River near the border with South Dakota, Mayor Jody Stark said flooding that began on Thursday had devastated his community of 350 people, with businesses being the hardest hit.

Nebraska Floods

Nebraska Floods: Flooding has devastated farms, homes and roads (Image: WEATHER CHANNEL)

Mr Stark said: ”Our road system is shot pretty much in every direction coming into town. It's one day at a time. We will do what we can to get back on our feet.

"It's just so heartbreaking. It's going to be tough, but hopefully, we can all get through it."

About 74 Nebraska cities had declared states of emergency by Monday evening, according to the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency. 

More than 600 residents were evacuated and taken to American Red Cross-operated shelters.

Nebraska Floods

Nebraska Floods: Authorities warn it could get worse before it gets better (Image: EPA)

Vice President Mike Pence is due to survey the damage with Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

Mr Pence post on Twitter on Tuesday morning: ”Heading to Nebraska today to survey the devastating flood damage. To the people of Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas & all regions impacted: we are with you!"

The floodwaters were the result of snowmelt following heavy rains last week and warm weather, said Bob Oravec, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's Weather Prediction Center.

The weather service's website shows some locales along the Missouri River in Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri are expected to continue to see waters rise for several more days.

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