'MACRON RESIGN!' Furious protestors almost SEIZE French president's Riviera residence

ANTI-MACRON protesters gathered in the yellow vest movement tried to storm the French President’s house in Riviera, his official summer residence.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

France: Yellow vest protesters march on Macron holiday home

Police officers clashed with about 40 demonstrators wearing yellow vests on Thursday as they attempted to “take the Fort de Brégançon”. The Fort is an austere medieval mansion on the Riviera coast, near Toulon, which Mr had renovated to spend his holidays there with his wife . Despite there had been no indication the presidential couple would spend their Christmas festivities there, one of the yellow vest organisers announced on Facebook they would gather there on Boxing Day.

The message read: “Today we are going to take the Fort de Brégançon.”

Police guarding the fort stopped the demonstrators’ cars as they moved towards the narrow Brégançon peninsula.

This prompted the handful of resilient yellow vests to continue on foot, shouting “Macron resign” and waving French flags before being eventually turned back by riot police.

The act has been harshly condemned by François Arizzi, the mayor of Bormes-les-Mimosas, where the fort is located. 

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Emmanuel Macron's house in the French Riviera became the target of yellow vests (Image: GETTY)

He said: “It’s madness. For people who want more democracy, they should start by respecting other people’s property.”

Protests against Mr Macron’s stringent policies started in mid-November, after it was announced a rise of the fuel tax.

But the movement quickly spread across the country and even in some French overseas territories, including La Reunion, becoming a protest against Mr Macron’s presidency. 

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Police and yellow vests have often clashed during the past weeks (Image: GETTY)

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Police made almost 150 arrests for public order offences last Saturday in Paris (Image: GETTY)

The protests turned into riots in several places, and some iconic landmarks including the Arc de Triomphe were vandalised with graffiti claiming “the yellow vests will triumph.” 

Earlier this month Mr Macron caved in and announced he will cancel the fuel tax increase, despite having defended it for weeks, and added he will increase the minimum wage by £89.84 (€100) a month from January.

However yellow vests are still protesting across France, with hundreds gathered today in several cities including Paris, Marseille and Rouen, where riot police used water cannons and reportedly arrested people to sedate the protests.  

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The fort is located in Bormes-les-Mimosas (Image: GETTY)


Last Saturday, during what has been dubbed the “sixth act” of protest, police made almost 150 arrests for public order offences during Vest protests in Paris alone, while at the end of November some 700 were held in custody on a single day.

Benjamin Cauchy, one of the figureheads of the movement, said that protesters would be out on New Year’s Eve to “show that the mobilisation will not end in the new year”.

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