FRANCE RIOTS: Macron protests reignite in Paris - police fire TEAR GAS at Yellow Vests

FRENCH citizens are facing another day of chaos, with yellow vest protesters taking their rage to the street already clashing with riot police officers armed with tear gas and water cannons.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

France: Yellow vest protesters clash with police in Lille

On what has been dubbed the seventh act of the yellow vest protesters, demonstrators fed up with s policies are taking their rage to the streets of Paris and other French cities. But thousands of police officers are ready to face them once more, after they clashed multiple times during the past weeks when the protests turned violent. While the biggest march is expected to take place in central Paris, turmoil has already been registered in Rouen, where officers launched tear gas against protesters after they were confronted with missiles, according to reports. 

A blood-chilling video shared on Twitter shows demonstrators fleeing the scene after the tear gas is unleashed. 

Other footage also shared on social media showed police clashing with demonstrators.

French journalist, Simon Louvet, who is at the gathering, wrote: "The yellow vests are in the streets around Jeanne D'Arc Street and are gassed, they flee running and regroup." 

Some of the yellow vest protesters, who have been named after the fluorescent jackets French motorists must have in their car, have also set up a barricade using bins. 

The journalist continued: "New barricades are put in place with fire bins. The cordon of the Gendarmerie remains at a distance. 

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Protesters clash with police officers during a demonstration called by the yellow vests (Image: AFP/GETTY)

"The cord stabilizes at the crossroads of the station, the yellow waistcoats are Rue Jeanne d'arc.

"The bulk of the procession is back, at the crossroads with Lecanuet Street. Could not give a number but hundreds, less than 1000." 

Arrests and search have been carried out by police officers, with RT writing one of their reporters witnessed to eight arrests. 

But clashes are likely to also take place elsewhere. 

In central Paris yellow vest demonstrators have gathered on the Champs Elysee, which have been the theatre of violence in the past weeks. 

French police 'overwhelmed' by Macron protests says reporter

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A woman holding a sign saying 'Mister President Macron wear a yellow vest' on the Champs Elysee (Image: AFP/GETTY)

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French police officers conducting searches on a man with a yellow vest in central Paris (Image: AFP/GETTY)

Earlier this month, while Mr Macron was attending the G20 in Argentina, , writing “the vests will triumph” with spray paint on one of its side. 

In Marseille a group of people is voicing their demands over a referendum that would allow citizens to vet government policy proposals.  

And on Thursday, a group of protesters tried to storm Mr Macron’s Riviera retreat.

But the attendance at this seventh gathering looks much weaker than at the ones held earlier this month, when thousands took the streets. 

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Riot police officers have gathered on France's streets (Image: RUPTLY)

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Fewer people than usual are attending today's demonstrations (Image: AFP/GETTY)

The ongoing protests, which started on November 17, are a result of a stark discontent across the country over the rising cost of living in the country. 

They were triggered by the announced fuel tax hike, set to take place in January 2019.

But earlier this month Mr Macron announced he will cancel the fuel tax increase, despite having defended it for weeks, and added he will increase the minimum wage by £89.84 (€100) a month from January.

He also said he will reduce taxes for pensioners in difficult economic conditions.    

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