Merkel BACKS Macron: German leader demands EU ARMY risking further anger from Trump

ANGELA Merkel has depicted the “future of Europe” in her keynote speech to the European Parliament plenary session, demanding member states step up development of the EU Army.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

MEP: European Parliament has power to VETO Brexit deal

In a wide-ranging speech she also urged EU state members who are not abiding to EU rules to "share the responsibility" brought by immigration and the crises which hit the bloc in the past months. But if was her comments on the armed force which drew the biggest response. It led to jeering from some MEPs and comes minutes after Donald Trump attacked Emmanuel Macron for calling for an EU Army last week.

Ms Merkel said: “Jean Claude Juncker some years ago said a common European Army would show the world there will never again be a war in Europe.

“I’m not saying anything about Nato of course not. We can be a good supplement to Nato.

“It would be a lot easier to cooperate if we have more than 160 weapons systems and the US only has 50 or 60. We realise that all the different instances have training and education. If we could pull this together we can work together with Nato."

Many MEPs cheered but to those who jeered her, the Chancellor said: “This is great - I’m annoying some people. I’m in a parliament."

She added: "So we need a common armament systems. It’s a difficult task for Germany as we will have to develop a common European armed exports policy.”

And then in a pointed message to European nations such as Hungary and Austria threatening not to sign migration agreements, Ms Merkel said: “We have to respect others. We must work to combat migration problems with third countries. We have to ensure that people on the spot have their living conditions improved as that is often why they flee to Europe.”

Calling to be more responsible and united in front of challenges, Ms Merkel added: “It’s important we stand side by side as a European Union.

“More than ever we must respect interests of our own members and others.

“Only together can we develop to ensure we take into account the interests of others.

“That brings us to the core of European solidarity. This is based on tolerance and it represents our strength as Europeans.

“We have to work for each other and it’s essential - for families, villages, sports association, and the European Union." 

And as a war or word is raging between Rome and Brussels over Italy's budget, Ms Merkel highlighted how important it is to abide by rules, for everyone's sake. 

She said: “If individually we try to deal with our problems when we compromise the euro. Which will only work if each member shares the responsibility”

angela merkel european parliament plenary session speech brexit immigration

Angela Merkel was speaking in Strasbourg today (Image: REUTERS)

Ms  is leading a debate on the “Future of Europe”, where EU leaders share their ideas and visions on how to shape the European Union in the years to come.

Despite having announced she won’t seek a re-election after her third mandate as German Chancellor ends in 2021, Ms Merkel remains one of the most influential personalities in Europe. 

Her presence in Strasbourg today was expected to be more than a simple arbitration, as many MEPs said before her speech.

Arguing Ms Merkle could issue a warning to rogue state members, Martin Schirdewan, MEP of the Left Party said: “This must send a clear signal against the far right, against Viktor Orban who is still a member of the European People's Party.

“This is about letting go of the power-tactical games and clearly taking a stand here for democracy.”

Ms Merkel, who will remain leader of the German ruling CDU until December, before resigning at the yearly party conference, was also expected to address key European projects. 

Jean Claude Juncker

The European Parliament plenary session is taking place today (Image: GETTY)

CDU MEP David McAllister listed some of these proposals, saying: "For example, the need for a closer co-ordinated foreign and security policy, migration policy and the need for a common European border management will certainly play a role and I assume that the Chancellor will also make detailed statements about issues of growth-oriented, sustainable economic policies."

Mr Orban’s Hungary, Sebastian Kurz' Austria and ’s Italy are the countries which rebelled more fiercely against the EU immigration laws, respectively not abiding by the migration quota and closing the harbours to ships carrying migrants.

The debate lasted two and a half hour.


Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel announced she will not seek re-election after her third mandate ends in 2021 (Image: GETTY)

Ms Merkel touched upon Brexit, saying the UK leaving the EU represents a "deep wound". 

As the Brexit talks reached the final stage, negotiators are expected to strike a deal soon, to allow the EU27 to discuss the agreement at this month’s summit.

If they will all agree on the terms, the deal will then be voted by the UK parliament before Christmas.

However, , warning she is ready to walk away from the negotiating table without a deal.

She said: "I will not compromise on what people voted for in the referendum. 

Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel spoke in Strasbourg (Image: EC.EUROPA.EU)

“This will not be an agreement at any cost.”

The “Future of Europe” debates have focused on different issues throughout the past months.

In September, French President delivered a speech defending the idea of "European sovereignty”.

Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg.     

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