EU ON BRINK: Far-right Swedish party ready to call for EU referendum ’like BRITONS DID'

SWEDEN Democrats pledged to use Brexit as a blueprint for their country’s withdrawal from the European Union, with senior members of the party vowing to call for an EU referendum in the immediate aftermath to today’s general election to do “like the British did”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

The far-right party vowed to fight the EU to take back control of ’s laws and borders.

Senior members of the party warned Brussels they are closely following the Brexit talks and they are ready to go down the same path Britain took in 2016 should their eurosceptic voices not be heard by the European Commission.

Mattia Karlsson, the party’s leader in the Swedish parliament, set out a plan for the country to follow to regain control from the bloc.

, he said, the country will immediately head to Brussels to seek an exemption from its refugee policies. 

We’re watching your country very closely to see how it does in the Brexit negotiations

Peter Hallmark, party chairman in Stockholm

Mr Karlsson also called for Sweden to leave the Schengen zone and issue the passport controls at the borders as it happens in the UK.

Adding that Swedes should create their own laws rather than follow the one dictated by Brussels, he told The Daily Telegraph: “We are not focusing on leaving the EU during the campaign, as that is all about immigration, but after the election we would want to do it like the British did - renegotiate with the and then hold a referendum.”

Peter Hallmark, party chairman in Stockholm, added the British EU referendum had a huge impact on the Sweden Democrats.

He said: “We’re watching your country very closely to see how it does in the negotiations.” 

Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson and Jean Claude Juncker

Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson vowed to fight the EU to take back control of Sweden's laws (Image: GETTY)

In its manifesto, the party has promised its growing number of supporters to issue a two-year ban on asylum seekers and increase public spending on welfare.

Sweden Democrats, led by Jimmie Akesson, also vowed to give an ultimatum to the bloc like David Cameron did in 2015, demanding a renegotiation of the country’s membership terms or head to the ballot to ask Swedes whether the county should remain within the EU.

The party, which was widely rebranded to cut off its former links to neo-Nazi groups, has taken Swedish politics by storm, gaining the support of voters across the political spectrum.

Analysts agree today’s vote is set to have a huge impact on the political landscape of the historically left-leaning and pro-EU country.  

sweden election 2018 sweden referendum eu jimmie akesson

Sweden Democrats are expected to gain almost 25 percent of the votes, a poll showed (Image: GETTY)

Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson

Sweden Democrats pledged to use Brexit as a blueprint (Image: GETTY)

Although it is unlikely Mr Akesson’s party will gain the 175 seats needed for a majority in the 349-seat parliament, latest polls showed Sweden Democrats could gain almost a quarter of the votes.

The poll conducted by YouGov revealed 24.8 percent of the people said they will vote for Mr Akesson.

This result would represent a 50 percent jump from the result achieved during the 2014 election, 12.9 percent, and would make the party a centrepiece of country’s political landscape. 

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