Ring of Fire: What is the Ring of Fire? Where is it? How many earthquakes have hit TODAY?

THE RING of Fire is causing concern as multiple explosive earthquakes have struck in recent days. What is the Ring of Fire? Where is it?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire is where around 90 percent of the world's earthquakes occur (Image: USGS)

Today (Wednesday) a magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit just off the coast of California and was felt as far as Portland, Oregan.

In recent weeks the Indonesian islands of Lombok and Bali were hit with multiple earthquakes, killing over 300 people.

A total of 16 significant tremors which measured above magnitude 4.5 were registered along the Ring of Fire on Monday.

They shook Indonesia, Bolivia, Japan and Fiji but didn't hit the western coast of the US, which lies on the Ring of Fire fault line.

What is the Ring of Fire?

Professor Bill McGuire, Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at University College London explained to express.co.uk what the deadly area is:

“The Ring of Fire is a girdle of volcanoes and earthquake zones that circles the Pacific Ocean, and which marks the join between some of the planet's most active tectonic plates.

“Almost all the of the world's most explosive and dangerous volcanoes are located here, along with the some of the longest and most deadly earthquake faults.

Geologist: Very high threat Pacific Ring of Fire could erupt soon

“Many of the biggest faults in the Ring of Fire are submarine so that their rupture can trigger catastrophic tsunamis, such as those that struck Indonesia and the Indian Ocean in 2004 and Japan in 2011.”

The Ring of Fire formed when ocean plates crashed and slid under lighter continental plates, in a process known as subduction.

There are 452 volcanoes based in the 25,000-mile ring.

Around 90 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire since records began.

Where is the Ring of Fire?

The Ring of Fire lies in a horseshoe shape in the Pacific Ocean.

It stretches from New Zealand to Chile, as well as encompassing the Asian and the American coasts.

The earthquake that hit off the coast of California today was one that was well overdue according to experts.

The recent increase in seismic activity has caused scientists to warn that a ‘Big’ earthquake could soon hit.

Earthquakes today

This map shows the earthquakes that have struck today, the bigger the mark the stronger the quake (Image: USGS)

There have been a number of earthquakes which have struck along the Ring of Fire today, shown on the featured map.

The majority of these have been below a magnitude of 4, however, Indonesia, Canada, Chile and California have all experienced quakes over magnitude 4.

Richard Aster, Professor of Geophysics at Colorado State University, recently said: "The earthquake situation in California is actually more dire than people who aren't seismologists like myself may realise.

“Although many Californians can recount experiencing an earthquake, most have never personally experienced a strong one.

"For major events, with magnitudes of seven or greater, California is actually in an earthquake drought.”

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