Italy floods latest: 11 dead, more missing - where is Raganello Gorge?

FLASH floods have hit southern Italy, killing 11 people at the Raganello Gorge and leaving even more missing amid rising waters.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Italy: Flash floods strike hikers in narrow river gorge

A total of six women and five men have died following flooding at the Raganello Gorge in southern Italy. 

The 11th victim died in hospital. 

Raganello Gorge is on the eastern side of the Pollino National Park in the region of Calabria.

The Pollino National Park is popular with tourists for its numerous waterfalls and natural slipways.

Heavy rain flooded the deep gorge, which was filled with hikers at the time.

The civil protection department said 23 people were rescued and around a dozen were in hospital following the flooding.

"This gorge filled up with water in a really short space of time and these people were catapulted out like bullets," said Carlo Tansi, head of the civil protection department in Calabria.

"They ended up some three kilometres (two miles) down the valley."

Raganello Gorge flooding

Raganello Gorge in southern Italy flooded, triggering rescues for those hiking (Image: REUTERS)

Mr Tansi said the gorge was only 3ft wide in some areas, which increased the speed of the water and complicated the rescue efforts. 

Eugenio Facciolla, the chief prosecutor of the provincial capital, Cosenza said: “It is really difficult terrain, filled with obstacles because of the [geological] formation of the area.”

There are at least five people missing but the number could be higher as hikers are allowed to enter the gorge without guides or registering.

A Dutch hiker, told local media: "A real avalanche of water came unexpectedly. We did not have time to do anything. I was lucky, it was an incredible thing."

Rescue squads attended the scene, using spotlights to work through the night. 

Helicopters took flight at first light in order to aid with rescue efforts.

Lucas Frazsese, from the alpine rescue team, said: "The wave of flooding of the Raganello stream happens often in the winter, but it has never happened in the summer when the stream is very popular among tourists."

The nationalities of those dead and injured have not yet been revealed. 

Rescuers hunting for those missing

There remains at least five people missing following the flooding (Image: REUTERS)

Raganello Gorge search

Lamps were used to light Raganello Gorge overnight to hunt for those missing (Image: REUTERS)

Most of those who undertake treks in the area are Italian. 

Those who were most seriously injured were airlifted to hospitals in Cosenza and Castrovillari. 

The flooding at the gorge comes as Kerala in southern India experiences the worst flooding in a century.

Monsoon rains in Kerala have caused dangerous flooding which has displaced almost a million people and killed over 300.

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