Yolk couldn't make it up! Couple SMASH record for double-yolk eggs

A COUPLE set a cracking new record by breaking 10 double yolk eggs in a row - beating odds of trillions to one.

Double yolk eggs and chickenSWNS/GETTY

The couple broke an incredible 10 double-yolkers in a row, beating odds of trillions-to-one

Jim Archibald, 67, was surprised when he broke open two eggs and found they had twin yolks for his Sunday breakfast.

The following day he cracked open four more from the same box - and discovered they were also double-yolkers.

And the day after that he broke the remaining four eggs in the pack and found they all had double yolks as well.

Experts say the odds of 10 double yolkers in the same box are "trillions to one" and much rarer than winning the lottery several times over.

Agnes Archibald and some eggsSWNS

Agnes, 58, a community support worker, said the family “certainly got their money’s worth”

double-yolk eggsSWNS

The entire box of 10 eggs, bought from an independent wholesaler, were double-yolkers

Wife Agnes, 58, a community support worker, said the family "certainly got their money's worth".

She said: "My husband was cooking breakfast and he just cracked two eggs which both had double yolks.

"Then he was cooking four more eggs and all of them were double yolkers again.

"We waited a day and cooked the remaining ones. They had double yolks as well.

"I could not believe it. We've never had anything like this before. I only bought the 10 and they were all double yolkers.

"They didn't taste any different, but this time we certainly our money's worth."

Double yolk egg breakfastSWNS

The British Egg Information Service said one in 1,000 eggs is double-yolked

Agnes paid £2 for the 10 eggs which were delivered to her workplace by an independent farmer on Friday.

The gran-of-five, from Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, added: "We order them every week and he brings them to work. He has his own business.

"I don't know what he's feeding his hens."

Agnes' son Gerry, 36, said: "It's extremely rare. I just thought it was really an interesting thing, something that you only see once in a lifetime.

"I've only ever come across one double yolk, so to see 10 is just crazy."

The British Egg Information Service said one in 1,000 eggs is double-yolked.

Top 10 Facts About Eggs

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