Flood chaos alert as rising temperatures melt weekend snow

TORRENTIAL rain and melting snow threaten flood misery this week as Britain faces a thaw.


Saturday was the coldest day for almost two years, with -13.5C recorded in Dalwhinnie

Thermometers will hit mid-double figures over the coming days as Arctic conditions give way following the weekend’s snowfall.

Saturday was the coldest for almost two years with -13.5C (7.7F) in Dalwhinnie in the Highlands.

But the West Country was a balmy 51.8F yesterday with rain in North Devon turning roads into raging torrents of floodwater, triggering landslips.

This week could bring the warmest temperatures of winter with 59F in parts. 


This week could bring the warmest weather of the winter, with temperatures rising to 59F in parts

The trend over the next few days is for the weather to turn much milder but quite unsettled at times

Marco Petagna

However, Scotland and northern England are braced for a midweek storm.

Met Office forecaster Marco Petagna said: “The trend over the next few days is for the weather to turn much milder but quite unsettled at times. 

“There is a lot of lying snow in parts that is already starting to thaw. Snowfall will also turn back to rain across most areas. It will stay mild but changeable through the week, often turning wet and windy, especially on Wednesday when a particularly active spell of rain pushes across all areas. 

“A deep low-pressure system will cross the North bringing gales, although this is not unusual for the time of year.”

He said that by tomorrow temperatures of 57F are likely in the South with even the odd 59F possible. 

Elsewhere he expected temperatures would be between 52F and 55F.

Young boy enjoys snow by skiing behind stepdad's van

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