Donald Trump's changing hair colour explained as politician hopes to 'modernise' look

Donald Trump's ever-changing hair colour has left many scratching their heads as the former US President gets scrutinised in the public eye, but sources claim it depends on his mood.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Court releases deposition clip of Donald Trump Jr from July 2022

is hitting the campaign trail hard ahead of the and with his near-constant appearances on stages across the country, the public is starting to .

From silver to dark blonde, and even bright orange, the 77-year-old’s hair colour seems to change almost weekly, but it’s not merely a trick of the light during his rousing speeches.

According to one source, Trump’s shades largely depend on his moods when he gets to the hairdresser.

Speaking to Page Six, they revealed: “Trump can't sit still for at least 30 minutes for his hair colour to take.”

They explained that “how long he can sit still” is the biggest deciding factor in what hair colour the political hopeful will walk on stage with.


Donald Trump

Donald Trump's changing hair colour has left some viewers questioning (Image: GETTY)

Viewers can now deduce just how long was able to keep himself in the stylist's chair as more orange shades meant he was incredibly impatient while darker blonde tones “associated with his youth” take more time to achieve.

The source also noted that the father-of-five “hates” having his hair dyed in the first place while some other sources claim that his shifting look is a purposeful move put in place by his wife Melania or his team.

One source claimed that there have been subtle changes across Trump’s entire appearance, from his suit style to his tie and hair colours, because his team wants “a visual change of his image” compared to his 2016 presidential run.

Another source claimed is largely responsible for the changes in her husband’s hair colour as she was entrusted to “modernise and make his image more youthful”, particularly in comparison to President Joe Biden, in the hopes of attracting young voters.


Donald Trump

The former president is trying to showcase a 'visual change' since his 2016 run (Image: GETTY)

As the current frontrunner for the Republican Party nomination, the former reality star has swapped his trademark bold red ties for pastel colours and replaced his boxy styled suits with slim cuts, also reportedly to highlight his recent weight loss.

Trump’s weight loss has sparked some controversy as some believed the politician was using the celebrity weight loss drug Ozempic, with celebrities like speaking out on its .

However, himself assured his supporters that he has simply been “too busy to eat” amid his campaign and denied using any weight loss drugs.

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