Urgent warning issued after man airlifted to hospital following brutal shark attack

A shark bit a 20-year-old man while he was spearfishing with two other people, according to police.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Tiger shark attacks kayak fisherman off Oahu

Beachgoers were issued an urgent warning after a man was airlifted to hospital following a brutal in the Keys.

The name, whose identity has yet to be released, was spearfishing with two other people when the attack occurred.

The attack occurred at approximately 3pm Thursday and prompted a warning from the Florida Keys Sheriff's Department which urged ocean goers to remain vigilant.

A bridge near the scene was temporarily closed to allow a helicopter to land before the man was taken to hospital.

Authorities confirmed the passage was back open in a Twitter update within an hour since it shut down.

Shark attacks on humans are considered rare with only 57 confirmed “unprovoked” attacks on humans in 2022, according to the International Shark Attack Files, a University of Florida organisation that attempts to compile all of the world’s shark attacks.

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Two bull sharks.

Two bull sharks seen off the Florida coast. (Image: GETTY)

Of those, the majority, 41, occurred in the United States. Florida recorded 16 shark attacks in 2022.

The Sunshine State has topped the global charts for years, with Volusia County recording the highest number of attacks last year.

The Yearly Worldwide Shark Attack Summary found surfers and other people engaging in board sports accounted for fewer incidents compared to previous years.

The report read: "Swimmers and waders accounted for the majority of incidents at 43 percent.

"Snorkelers/free divers accounted for 9 percent, and the remainder of activities were too varied to combine. These included jumping in the water, floating on a raft, and scuba diving (13 percent)."

A lemon shark.

Shark attacks are relatively rare but most occur in the United States. (Image: GETTY)

There were five fatal “unprovoked” attacks around the world, down from nine in 2021.

Two of these occurred on the same day in Egypt, one in Hawaii and two fatalities in separate incidents in South Africa both thought to be great white sharks.

Last year in Australia, British diver Simon Nellist was killed by a great white in Australia, however, researchers are considering the attack “provoked”.

The International Shark Attack Files said the attack was considered as such because other people were fishing from the cliffs in the area.

It stressed this did not mean Nellist was in any way responsible for the tragic attack.

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