Donald Trump Live: Former President slams DeSantis as damning evidence uncovered in probe

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to announce his 2024 bid next week in a move which would directly challenge Donald Trump.

By Adam ChapmanMatthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Anderson Cooper shares views on CNN's Trump town hall

Donald Trump has taken aim at likely challenger Ron DeSantis amid further legal scrutiny after the National Archives found a trove of records proving the ex-President knew he was breaking rules by taking classified documents to Mar-a-Lago.

The president took to Truth Social to denounce his soon-to-be-rival, posting: "After campaigning for five months, and going nowhere but down, it looks like Ron DeSanctimonious will soon be entering the race. He has ZERO chance, and MAGA will never forget!"

The news comes as the MAGA leader's legal woes mount. A CNN report shows that the National Archives sent a letter to Trump this week revealing it had found 16 records showing he and his top advisers were aware of the correct declassification process when he was President.

“The 16 records in question all reflect communications involving close presidential advisers, some of them directed to you personally, concerning whether, why, and how you should declassify certain classified records,” wrote archivist Debra Steidel Wall.
The evidence undercut Trump's claim that the documents he took were automatically declassified. Trump and his allies have consistently made the case that as President, Trump did not have to follow a specific process to declassify documents.

A trove of records proving the former president knew he was breaking rules

Classified docs: A trove of records proving the former president knew he was breaking rules (Image: Getty Images)

Trump urges Republicans not to budge in debt ceiling talks

Donald Trump urged Congressional Republicans not to give ground to Democrats while negotiating a debt ceiling deal with Joe Biden.


The comments come amid deadlock between the GOP and Democrats over the debt ceiling. The US is expected to default by June without an increase, something which could have potentially devastating economic consequences.

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott declares his 2024 Candidacy

Tim Scott, a Senator from South Carolina, has thrown his hat into the ring for 2024 meaning he will have to take on front-runner Donald Trump.

Scott, the Senate’s only Black Republican, filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission declaring his intention to seek his party’s nomination.

The deeply religious 57-year-old former insurance broker has made his grandfather’s work in the cotton fields of the Deep South a bedrock of his political identity.

Yet he rejects the notion that racism remains a powerful force in society, and he has cast his candidacy and rise from generational poverty as the realization of a dream only possible in America.

Scott has scheduled a formal announcement on Monday at Charleston Southern University, a private Baptist college and Scott’s alma mater, in his hometown of North Charleston.

Tim Scott.

Republican Senator from South Carolina Tim Scott has declared for 2024. (Image: GETTY)

Ex-Playboy model who claims 10-month 'love' affair with Trump says she'll work for DeSantis

Former Playboy model Karen McDougal, 52, claimed that she and Trump were in a "loving" affair in an interview with The Daily Mail.

She described the former president as "crass and vulgar" but added that he had "kind moments".

A Republican, McDougal voted for Trump in 2016 but said she would not vote for the MAGA leader this year.

"I'm hoping DeSantis gets in," she said. "I'd be willing to work for his campaign."

Trump in danger as damning evidence uncovered in classified docs probe

Explosive new evidence proves the ex-President knew he was breaking the rules by handling classified documents.

Donald Trump faces further legal scrutiny after the National Archives found a trove of records proving the ex-President knew he was breaking rules by taking classified documents to Mar-a-Lago, an explosive new report has found.

The National Archives sent a letter, obtained by CNN, to Trump this week revealing it had found 16 records showing he and his top advisers were aware of the correct declassification process when he was President.

“The 16 records in question all reflect communications involving close presidential advisers, some of them directed to you personally, concerning whether, why, and how you should declassify certain classified records,” wrote archivist Debra Steidel Wall.

The evidence undercut Trump's claim that the documents he took were automatically declassified.

Trump and his allies have consistently made the case that as President, Trump did not have to follow a specific process to declassify documents.

Karen McDougal claims to have had 'loving 10-month affair' with Donald Trump

A former Playboy model who claims she had an affair with Donald Trump before he went on to become President of the United States says they were very much in love.

Karen McDougal says she is one of two women – the other being Stormy Daniels – to allegedly have a relationship with the married multi-millionaire. She claims her affair with him took place in 2006 while Trump was married to Melania, who had just given birth to their son, Barron.

The allegations made by her and by Stormy Daniels form much of an investigation into Trump by the District Attorney's office. Trump, 76, faces 34 criminal charges, becoming the first ex-president in history to do so.

Karen McDougal.

The Playboy model has opened up on her alleged relationship with Trump. (Image: GETTY)

DeSantis slams Trump as having ‘no chance’ of beating Joe Biden in 2024

A war of words is erupting between the Republican frontrunner Trump and his perceived most credible challenger Ron DeSantis.

The Florida Governor savaged claiming he could not beat in the 2024 general election.

The comments come just days before DeSantis is expected to announce his candidacy for president next week, a move which would pit him against his once-ally.

“You have basically three people at this point that are credible in this whole thing,” DeSantis said during a fundraising call on Thursday, according to reporting by the New York Times.

Donald Trump releases ad bashing potential rival DeSantis

Donald Trump released an ad Friday on his social media platform Truth Social reminding Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of his endorsement when he was running for office.

The video blasts DeSantis claiming he was "saved by the endorsement of President Trump".

It says: "Unfortunately, instead of being grateful DeSantis is now attacking the very man who saved his career. Isn't it time DeSantis remembers how he got to where he is?"

It comes as the Florida Governor is expected to announce his 2024 candidacy next week.

He is the most credible threat to Trump in the Republican Primary, although he still trails the president in most polls by a significant margin.

Trump White House lawyer predicts jail time for former president

Donald Trump's former attorney has made the bold prediction that the former president will see jail time as the Mar-a-Lago classified documents criminal investigation intensifies.

Ty Cobb worked as a White House lawyer from July 2017 to May 2018. He told CNN he believes the mounting evidence will lead to a conviction.

He said: "I wouldn’t necessarily expand the case to try to prove the Espionage Act piece of it because there is so much evidence of guilty knowledge on the espionage piece that all they really have to do is show that Trump moved these documents at various times when DOJ was either demanding them or actually present, that he filed falsely with the Justice Department, had his lawyers file falsely with the Justice Department and affidavit to the effect that none existed, which was shattered by the documents they discovered after the search and the many other misrepresentations that he and others have made on his behalf with regard to his possession of classified documents."

He added: "Yes, I do think he will go to jail on it."

Trump has repeatedly made false claims, including during a CNN town hall this week, that he was allowed to take the documents when he stepped down as president.

College condemns Trump's behaviour at CNN town hall event

New Hampshire college has denounced Trump's behaviour as "deeply eeply troubling" after hosted the ex-President's CNN town hall on its campus

Saint Anselm College criticised both the comments of the ex-President and the reactions to his statements by the Trump-friendly audience in the auditorium.

In response to ex-President’s comments, the college says it "does not tolerate sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual harassment"

CNN town hall event

College condemns Trump's behaviour at CNN town hall event (Image: Getty Images)

Trump bashes DeSantis again

Trump continues to attack Ron DeSantis, as the Florida governor prepares to launch his 2024 campaign next week.

“After campaigning for five months, and going nowhere but down, it looks like Ron DeSanctimonious will soon be entering the race. He has ZERO chance, and MAGA will never forget!” Mr Trump fumed on Truth Social on Thursday night.

DeSantis bashing

Dig: Trump continued his attack on DeSantis ahead of the Governor's campaign bid (Image: Getty Images)

Bill Barr piles on the pressure over legal docs

Bill Barr, the former Attorney General under the Trump administration and Bush administration, indicated that the classified documents investigation into Donald Trump could spell trouble for the ex-President.

During an interview with CBS on Thursday, Mr Barr said the probe could "expose" Trump if he "played games" after the Government subpoenaed the classified documents.

“He was given a long time to send them back. And they were subpoenaed. And I’ve said all along that he wouldn’t get in trouble, probably, just for taking them, just as Biden I don’t think is going to get in trouble or Pence is not going to get in trouble.”

“The problem is what did he do after the government asked for them back and subpoenaed them? And if there’s any games being played there, he’s going to be very exposed,” Mr Barr said.

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