Quick thinking 'hero' bartender helped girls avoid 'creep' by disguising note as receipt

The quick thinking bartender slipped the two women a note through sleight of hand - but the "creepy" guy refused to take the hint.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Max and Trinity.

Max and Trinity later reunited after he helped her and a friend ward off a 'creep'. (Image: Twitter/@trinityallie)

A quick witted bartender has been praised in resurfaced social media posts for assisting two women who were being bothered by a "creepy" male patron. Customer Trinity and her friend were being harassed by a male at the bar, something which bartender Max Gutierrez quickly noticed.

The Florida bartender subtly slipped the women a note disguised as a receipt, which read: "If this guy is bothering you, put your ponytail on your other shoulder, and I will have him removed. He's giving ME the CREEPS."

Trinity, who goes by @trinityallie on Twitter, shared a snap on the note on the social media platform writing: "This man was harassing me and my friend, and the bartender passed this note to me acting like it was my receipt! Legit the type of bartender everyone needs."

She continued: "He ended up having to literally yell at the guy he said, 'you need to get tf away from these girls who clearly are not interested' and the dude said 'that was a little aggressive', and he said 'well you're aggressively hitting on them and you need to leave."

Many of Trinity's followers applauded Gutierrez for stepping in and assisting the women.

One said: "Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear Hawaiian shirts."

Another added: "Bravo sir, way to protect your patrons. Bartenders take note this is customer service at its finest."

To the delight of many, Trinity and Max's story didn't end there - the two have since reunited and Gutierrez also came forward to tell his side of the story.

Commenting on a Reddit post, he said: "He didn't take no for an answer and kept pestering them so eventually I kind of yelled at him and made him leave lol.

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"I honestly don't like yelling at customers or embarrassing people, but I find it's one of the best ways to handle creeps. Calling them out in front of people is usually enough to get them to turn tail and walk away. I just don't need my guests feeling uncomfortable."

Gutierrez added technique for warding off creeps was "just something you just pick up from mentor bartenders".

He said the man later returned to the bar but Max refused to serve him.

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