Half of Americans say they are worse off than last year in grim reflection of inflation

A new poll shows half of Americans say they are worse off financially than last year with low income earners and Republicans hit hardest.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

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Exactly half of say they are than they were last year, according to a new poll. In the survey, 50 percent of Americans said they are struggling compared to the year before with low income earners taking the biggest hit.

The result is the worst since 2008 and 2009 global financial crisis - the only other time half or more of Americans said they were worse off since pollster Gallup began asking the question in 1976.

Gallup added that it was "rare" for more than half of Americans to say they are worse off.

There is also a political aspect to the poll's findings: 67 percent of Republicans said they were worse off than last year while only 37 percent of Dems felt the same.

In fact, more Democrats, 47 percent, said they were better off than last year.

The survey also showed that low income earners, defined as those making below $40,000, took the biggest hit.

A wallet with dollars in it.

Half of Americas have said they are worse off than last year as inflation takes its toll. (Image: GETTY)

A chart showing inflation.

Lower income Americans said they have been hit the hardest. (Image: GETTY)

Among this group, 61 percent say they are worse off, while 49 percent of middle income earners (those who make between $40,000 and $99,999) said they were.

Of high income earners (those who make $100,000+), 43 percent said they were worse off.

The discouraging results follow a year in which the annual inflation rate hit 9.1 percent, the highest in 40 years, causing prices to skyrocket.

Inflation has since come down but hovered at six percent in December.

The poll also found just 35 percent of Americans said they were better off than last year, plummeting from a high of 59 percent in January 2020.

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A man shopping at a super market.

Inflation hit 9.1 percent annually in 2022, although it has fallen since. (Image: GETTY)

That number has dropped to 35 percent or below several times since the poll began in 1976, however the most sustained drop was from January 2008 to May 2012.

On a more positive note, 60 percent of those polled said they believed their financial situation would improve next year, compared to just 28 percent who said it would be worse.

This was evident among all income brackets with 62 percent of lower-income, 60 percent of middle-income and 59 percent of upper-income Americans saying they would be better off by the beginning of 2024.

Gallup surveyed 1,011 adults in the US between January 2 and 22 and the poll has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

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