Biden casts doubt on running for president again in 2024: 'I don't know about that'

After a strong showing in the midterms, some Democrats are looking to Joe Biden to lead the party into the 2024 election cycle, but the octogenarian President might not be so sure.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

President Biden dismisses 'four more years' chant

cast doubt over a potential 2024 rematch with former yesterday - despite hinting at possible rematch with his rival previously.

Following a speech at the White House Tribal Nations Summit on Wednesday, an unknown person in the crowd chanted: "Four more years!"

"I don't know about that, thanks," Biden responded before leaving the stage.

Following Donald Trump's 2024 campaign announcement and the Democrats surprisingly strong showing at the midterms, many have been preparing for a rematch of the vicious 2020 race.

Biden himself has said that it was his intention to run in 2024 and that he and his wife, Jill, hoped to make a final decision on the issue by early 2023.

Last month, he said: "I think everybody wants me to run, but we’re going to have discussions about it."

Trump's announcement that he would run in 2024 could help to influence the President's decision to go again. The Democrats won with Biden against Trump in 2020 - and might feel comfortable with a rematch.

Joe Biden.

Joe Biden has cast doubt over whether he will run again in 2024. (Image: GETTY)

However, at 80, Biden is America's oldest President - and if he won re-election in 2024 he would be 86 when he left office.

Biden's age has long been a target by the President's critics, including Trump, himself 76, who has previously argued he should have to take a cognitive test to prove he is fit for office.

Additionally, it is unclear whether the Democratic base actually wants Biden to run for office in 2024, or if he was seen as a one-term President - a course correction in response to Donald Trump.

A New York Times/Siena College poll from July showed that 64 percent of Democrats said they would prefer someone else to lead the party for 2024.

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Donald Trump.

Donald Trump announced that he will run again in 2024. (Image: GETTY)

Even after the strong Democrat showing in the midterms, the numbers didn't look great for Biden.

National exit polling afterwards showed that, overall, 67 percent of voters didn't want Biden to run for re-election, according to CNN.

The Democrats will have to ask themselves whether they want to go with a proven winner against Trump, with no guarantees of the same result, or changes horses.

With the midterms in the rear-view mirror, the 2024 election cycle is fast approaching.

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